I'm having this problem when I make my own custom towers. I changed my tower to have 2 on 2 (doodad) footprint and I also changed hes scale and radius. I made the tower from a SCV because I want it to have hes models, sounds, weapon , ... I used a auto-turret as example to make the SCV into a stucture. I managed to do this all but when I build the 'scv tower' ingame it doesn't attack enemys that are nearby and when I let them attack the enemys it gives the alert: Target is out of range. So I went back in to the data and changed the SCV weapon range do a ridiculous amount but ingame it still says out of range. Does anyone have any ideas to make the 'SCV tower' attack enemys ? Please post them. BTW: I also tried to give the 'SCV tower' a other weapon but it would still say out of range.
I took a SCV unit and did the following things with it
-I gave it the footprint 1 on 1 doodad
-I changed hes radius and scale
-I used the auto turret for example for flags and other things like combat
Now when I place it in the game it works perfectly as a structure.
But when he enemy unit passes by he cant attack it becouse that unit is out of range.
Changing the range of the SCV weapon din't work.
So I need to find some way to give the SCV the range so he can attack.
Hi guys,
I'm having this problem when I make my own custom towers. I changed my tower to have 2 on 2 (doodad) footprint and I also changed hes scale and radius. I made the tower from a SCV because I want it to have hes models, sounds, weapon , ... I used a auto-turret as example to make the SCV into a stucture. I managed to do this all but when I build the 'scv tower' ingame it doesn't attack enemys that are nearby and when I let them attack the enemys it gives the alert: Target is out of range. So I went back in to the data and changed the SCV weapon range do a ridiculous amount but ingame it still says out of range. Does anyone have any ideas to make the 'SCV tower' attack enemys ? Please post them. BTW: I also tried to give the 'SCV tower' a other weapon but it would still say out of range.
There is a flag...Idk what it is but there is a flag.
And did you base it off of the auto turret UNIT or did you use the scv UNIT?
@Mr12toe: Go
I used all the auto-turret flags and I based it off the SCV
I took a SCV unit and did the following things with it
-I gave it the footprint 1 on 1 doodad -I changed hes radius and scale -I used the auto turret for example for flags and other things like combat
Now when I place it in the game it works perfectly as a structure. But when he enemy unit passes by he cant attack it becouse that unit is out of range. Changing the range of the SCV weapon din't work.
So I need to find some way to give the SCV the range so he can attack.
@Infinity2: Go Could you post a map for us?
Go to the weapon and change it's arc to 360, that might be the problem.
Ye ofc
Keep in mind I dint spend a lot of time on the map yet. Its all a bit simple now.
What you are looking for is the ' SCV-tower'
Please dont use any of the ideas on this map thanks !!
under the weapon tab. go to weapon - options and turn off mele flag?
yep that did it thanks man :)
An other question also about making custom towers. How exacly do I make then turn to the enemy that they are attacking ?
@Infinity2: Go
Is flag Turnable ticked? Is the Rotation speed =/= 0 and everything corresponding?
I dont see anything of rotation in the units data ... I did dublicate the auto-turret turret and used it as my towers turret.
Yep the turnable flag is checked