this is only for certain models, however. I have imported functioning models/textures many times before, but it seems only certain textures are applied. usually it works when there is a model and a single .tga texture. but if never works if it uses multiple files for texture like the normal, diffuse, and emmisive types. do I do something different for these or am I doing something wrong?
this is what ive ben doing
import texture first
close editor and save
import model
make sure its in root
Each model has texture path it's searching the textures at. It's the path that you create inside import editor. Usually it's Assets/Textures, sometimes it's root. So, place the texture in the correct place. To see model's texture path, open the .m3 file in any text editor (maybe not any, at least notepad plus plus does it coprrect), it will look like shit, but search for ".dds", it will show you path/ string, where the path part is what you need.
Ok one sec il. Try to import them exactly like that....
I didn't have those folders in like that, I navigated to the bottom of the path which dumped everything into root even though it was saved under textures
this is only for certain models, however. I have imported functioning models/textures many times before, but it seems only certain textures are applied. usually it works when there is a model and a single .tga texture. but if never works if it uses multiple files for texture like the normal, diffuse, and emmisive types. do I do something different for these or am I doing something wrong?
this is what ive ben doing import texture first close editor and save import model make sure its in root
Each model has texture path it's searching the textures at. It's the path that you create inside import editor. Usually it's Assets/Textures, sometimes it's root. So, place the texture in the correct place. To see model's texture path, open the .m3 file in any text editor (maybe not any, at least notepad plus plus does it coprrect), it will look like shit, but search for ".dds", it will show you path/ string, where the path part is what you need.
ok one sec ill try...
its in textures, I put it in both root and textures and It wont work
DId you check model's texture path as I described?
yes. It brought up a mess of illegible text. I searched for ".dds" and I found what appeared to be the path "assets/textures/(texture name)"
(there where a bunch of them, each texture had one, all in textures though)
exactly this "assets/textures"? no capital letters? it may matter, usually it's "Assets/Textures"
"Assets/Textures/(texture name)"
capital A in assests and capital T in textures
alright, upload the models you have problems with, i'll check them out
Ive been using this model and these textures I downloaded
Worked for me.
This is how it look in import editor.
Model's location doen't matter, only the textures'.
Ok one sec il. Try to import them exactly like that....
I didn't have those folders in like that, I navigated to the bottom of the path which dumped everything into root even though it was saved under textures