Xeyed Units

This will be a overview of the Xeyed units.

Scavenger : The generic worker unit of the Xeyed race.

Xeyedling : The most basic Xeyed fighter. Light and agile mid-ranged unit. Can be upgraded to deal additional damage to armored units. Can use Dash, quickly moving the Xeyedling a short distance in a targeted direction.

Roamer : Quick ranged Xeyed anti-light fighter. Can use Scour to reveal a small area. (Does not reveal cloaked units)

Scorpalisk : Armored melee unit. Can be upgraded to increase it's movement speed by 20%

Mendling : Healer unit. Weak high range air attack and mid range ground attack. Heals units at the cost of energy. Can be mutated into a stationary unit that rapidly expends the Mendlings energy reserves at the cost of resources, self destructs after 10 seconds.

Casnolisk : Spell caster. Can cast Stagnating Bile, Constricting Slime, and when upgraded, Covering Spray. Stagnating Bile fires a large projectile that stuns units for a short duration in a medium area on impact. Has a precursor, so impact location can be dodged. Constricting Slime sprays slime in a targeted 60 degree arc, slowing and damaging units caught in it's path. Covering Spray is a researched ability that cloaks target unit for 60 seconds. (Cannot target massive units)

Raptorlisk : High damage ranged unit, researchable ability called Frenzy. It increases users attack speed by 25% and allows it to leap cliffs similarly to a reaper.

Ferrion : Quick, strong and costy transport unit, that serves a dual role as a detector.

Prowler : Fast moving map control unit. Does not attack, but can place immobile explosive mines on the map at the cost of vespene, useful for defending run-bys and keeping watch on certain areas of a map.

Spitter : Mobile siege unit. Deals splash damage in a area around target enemy. Range can be upgraded to a higher amount. Projectiles can be dodged, as they do not track targets, and impact location is at the location the target was at the time the attack was initiated.

Massalisk : Large tank unit with low range (Not melee) weapon that targets ground, and has splash. Has a researchable ability Hunker, which roots it in the ground, rendering it immobile. While hunkered, it is stronger, is considered an structure, changing some unit interactions(i.e. Liberators,Banelings), and has increased range. However it can only attack air while hunkered, with lower damage.

Aerialisk : Fast aerial harass unit with bonus damage versus Armored targets. Deals splash in a small area. Can be upgraded with additional damage over time. (Affects main target only)

Assailant : Heavy damage anti-ground unit with large range. Deals additional damage to light units and fires two projectiles.

Exterminator : Anti-air flyer, deals heavy damage.

Xeyethoan : Aerial spell caster. Can cast Frenzy Induction, Palyspine and Toxic Cloud. Frenzy Induction increases the target friendly units attack speed, Palyspine reduces move and attack speed of enemy target by 80% and deals light damage over the spells duration. Toxic Cloud is placed over a radius of ground and deals damage to all units within.

Kraken : Large aerial beast, attacks with 6 projectiles per attack, dealing 10 damage each. Can cast a researchable ability called Bio-Stasis, which immobolizes all units in target radius.

That summerizes all the units of the Xeyed race!


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