Wrath of Arius
Hi, Wrath Of Arius is my first campaign I started here on Sc2mapster. I took some time off because I worked on my second campaign Starcraft: Pandora. Now I plan to continue this campaign. So what is Wrath Of Arius. It is a actually a tribute to Warcraft 3, therefore the dialogues, mission objective and story are almost identical, I modify some to fit my own story and make it work better in the Starrcraft universe. So all cred to Blizzard.
So why do this? I have learned so much when trying to replicate the warcraft 3 missions. I have become much more adept in the trigger editor and also some terraining etc. I said at the start I was going to make three maybe four parts of this campaign. I don´t know how much of this I really can accomplish, it is tedious work to replicate terrain, missions, cinematic but it is also fun. I have completed the Terran part and have some maps in the next episode. After each episode I plan to take a break and see if it is still fun, if it is I continue and of course people have to want to play them, that is after all one of the best thing about this, that someone actually plays the maps.
WRATH OF ARIUS - The Black Hand
The first of Three, possible four Campaigns. The first focus on the Terran faction, The Black Hand. It consists of 9 maps. All the maps are available for download.
Misison 1 - The defense of the crossroads
Mission 2 - Grim Reaper
Mission 3 - Ravegers of the brood
Mission 4 - The Swarm Reborn
MIssion 5 - March of the Swarm
MIssion 6 - The Culling
MIssion 7 - Braxis
Mission 8 - Dissension
MIssion 9 - The Artifact
Update: Fixed spelling mistakes. Gave Jon a healing ability.
Recent activity of the Grim Pirates on the planet Doros have forced the Black Hand to take defensive messures, To contain the pirate treat, Dr.Field the leader of the Black Hand has sent two of the factions best agents- his son Jon Field and the reknown Zek Strife - to deal with the pirates once and for all.
Path Of The Brood
The next chapter in the Wrath Of Arius campaign and focus on the Zerg race.
Mission 1: Crawling trough the ashes
Mission 2: Evolution
Mission 3: Queltorians
Mission 4: Uknown
Mission 5: Uknown
Mission 6: Uknown
Mission 7: Uknown
Mission 8: Uknown
Mission 9: Uknown
The Cerebrates infenstation has spread through the capital city and in to the outskirts of Doros. Shocked and disheartened by the loss of the beloved leader, the forces of Doros were scattered by the ravenous zergs.Now Doros is but a shadow of its former glory - and Jon Field has yet to be seen.
I have released a updated version of Wrath of Arius. It now works with the current version of Starcraft and I have fixed other bugs that I found as well. Most time have I spent to fix all spelling mistakes. The missionselect map is also working now, as long as you put all the maps in the right folder.
@Hultmanable: Go
Epic to hear my man. I haven't gotten back to finishing playing the first campaign sense been busy with other things. From what I've seen it's just some triggers and the error message thing that is always apearing. Mission 5 had continously errors that co-insided with the timer. Didn't finish the mission though I need to get back to it lol.
Update: So I´m currently looking for bugs in my maps since LoTv and I made it to map 6. I also fixing spelling mistakes in every map. I hope to finish fixing these maps soon and restart the second part of Wrath of Arius.
@Hultmanable: Go
Just put a disclaimer that the original stuff from this campaign belongs to blizzard and nothing to worry about. Though I dought blizzard cares to much sense not like your making money from it. If you was criminalized for making something you even state is a tribute to another game just because you don't specifically state which, there are multiple other groups on here which would have the same fate and some of them been here even longer than yours.
@Ajayicus: Go Hi and thanks for playing. Well yes I started Malung this campaign as a tribute to Warcraft 3 therefor The missions almost the same as is the story. I dont know ehat els to respond to that. If it is criminal I Will of course renove it.
Yes I have ben aware if that many triggers are broken. Tje cuse of this is unknown to me, perhaps lotv. I plan to go back and fix it after finishing Pandora. If im not in jail or being sued ;) I Also plan to fix the grammar and spelling misstakes.
Merry christmas!
I'm not sure how to broach this subject since I had so much fun playing through all of the missions. Unfortunately, this whole campaign is plagiarism. It has been several years since I've played Warcraft 3, but I distinctly remember most missions, the story, and even some lines of dialogue, all of which seems to have been directly copied in this campaign. I am a huge fan of the Custom Campaign Initiative and it pains me to talk badly about what was a very fun campaign, but this is literally criminal. In addition to tuning up the campaign (there were several minor errors such as stimpack not working, victory conditions not being set, cutscenes not working, spelling mistakes, etc.), I HIGHLY recommend citing Blizzard and their intellectual property, Warcraft 3, somewhere, be it here on sc2mapster, or even in the missions themselves. Sorry to be such a hardass, keep making fun and intriguing campaigns!
@Hultmanable: Go
I am very much happy to hear that you are still planning to work on this, I plan to try out your Pandora campaign as well when I get the moment to. currently with WOA I'm primarily taking it at 2 missions at a time, mainly because i want to make it last some but may just gun through rest of it within a few days if i don't get distracted by something else, very interested in what you plan on doing for some of the chapters, especially what may happen in the 4th chapter then the 'expansion', if your planning on doing that as well, like what your going to use for the like 3+ factions we have yet to see. Though i can probably guess at lest what some demon units will be thanks to LotV. So can't wait to see those when they are done and released. I will try to test as much as this campaign as I possibly can both in the current and future versions and give you any information I find sense i don't know what you do and don't know.
Mission 3 the opening cinematic is broken, the interlude or what ever you like to call it with Echo. it's a black screen as the words come up from their conversation then when the scene is over it goes to the next expected scene which is working just fine from what I've seen. Otherwise I don't think i found anything else wrong with this map. I do plan on replaying all if not simply the ones I'm unsure if i missed anything or not. (of course i'm disregarding the onscreen errors lol)
Mission 4 you may need to rearrange the mineral lines slightly sense it causes the scv's to spas out sense they will automatically try to reach unmined ones like the ones behind the first group and it causes them to pretty much dance sense they can't reach anything besides the like 6 in front row making so you should only build like maybe 9-11 out of the recommended 22 scvs at start. (still get some spasing ones). During the first cut scene with Kerach, John just suddenly started to attack the infested supply randomly. that powerful bonus objective and boss battle lol. lost most of my troups from that battle I will say.
@olcharlieboi: Go
Hi thank you for playing. Yes I have noticed alot of problems. Some is due to The release of lotv and some are broken triggers. I am currently puttning my time into starcraft Pandora. But I hope to come back And finish and repair wrath of arius. I have learned much during my work with Pandora, and I Think WOA can be much better for it, Also you leaving feedback is very good. Again thanks for leaving your comment and playing.
@Hultmanable I love this entire concept you are doing with this campaign and hope you can finish it. but I will say you seem to have a lot of work to do if your still working on this which I hope you are. One such being the error messages that pop up on top of screen, it appears in every mission, including in the launcher. even once you close it, it'll reopen at the start of another cut scenes. this isn't game breaking but it hinders the experience of the cut scenes.
The launcher doesn't work fully, it's amazing you taking the concept and launchers can be good to not spoil maps but it doesn't register the maps from what I've experienced so it can't load them as it should.
Finally the triggers also need worked on and double checked for some don't seem to work. I've only played the first two missions so far because of these triggers though I'm now playing through all of them that's out for I really want to see this completed really can't wait for the zerg/(undead) missions lol. Reason why i say some of the triggers don't work is because some don't complete, like the bonus mission for mission 1 to help the colonists. I literally cleared the map and returned back to all the colonists and it wouldn't clear. Also another thing would be in mission 2 where it says you can now build marauders after finishing the bonus mission. They don't become available in the barracks or anything so you only get the ones it gives you even though it says 'Hint - you can now build marauders'.
I will try to report any other bugs i run into throughout my gameplay of the terran and the one zerg that is released., which some for all i know could of been made thanks to LotV. Ever since starting to watch jayborino i been trying to get better at sc2... and play every campaign i can get my hands on lol. I do hope you continue to work on this campaign.
@Yeowolf01: Go
Hmm, what mod can that be, I have only the ones that is in the editor, I have not made any of my own that you could need...
It needs a mod I don't know about.
@Anteep: Go
I will try and fix ths over time
Please make sure the English you use for this campaign is without mistake
The first mission in Path of the brood (Second campaign in the Wrath of Arius series) is up for testing, it´s in beta stage so please report any bugs or anything els you might come across.
Next chapter is coming along three missions almost finished.
A teaser for the next Campaign in Wrath of Arius
The final version is now out and is located under files in a .zip file. If not someone finds any drastic error in the maps, there won´t be any big changes to them from now on. Thanks for playing and all the help!
Some new in game pictures are up too under images.
@JayborinoPlays: Go
JayborinoPlays that would be great. I just want to fix some bugs and reupload the maps :) Rhen I get back to you, ok?
@SenniTreborius: Go
Thank you for the feedback, I will look in to it =D
Hi, guys.
Sorry for the late respons and thank you for posting feedback. I have been finnig bugs and stuff, still have some left.
JayborinoPlays that would be great. I just want to fix some bugs and reupload the maps :) Rhen I get back to you, ok?