So I've started working on wintermaul for starcraft because it was one of my favorites. I'm a beginner... but hey... Tips, help, etc.
- Pathing and wave movement
- Map Layout
- Leaderboard
- Countdown to wave start
Needs Work
- Waves
- Buildings and Races
- Map load screen
- Possibly a makeover
Why doesn't starcraft have a winter... is there only lava where these people live?
are you still working on this maul? I'm interested in working on this
think you should try to make the map smaller and the building's take up more room just like in WC3 and ofc other tower's waves, but it looks ok :)
Upgrades need to be implemented, more waves. ect ect. I hope more people test this and give you feedback and maybe even get some help if needed.
Could be fun.
good effort so far. I hope you stay with it.
Thanks i'll work on that
Your Top proportions for the lanes looks good, but in the middle, and the bottom, they start going all over the place, they should line up to be even with the top lanes. Good looking so far ^ ^