Viking W/ Turret Z
I noticed there has been some discussion/requests for units that act like a phoenix (will face attack target while moving a different direction), so as a breif exercise into how turret Z attachment worked, I added one to a viking. For good measure, I gave the viking left and right barrel roll animations, because now you can DO A BARREL ROLL.
Not really original, but potentially useful.
Also, there is a way in-game to cut animations in half via turret z, so because it's added I can make it attack walk without additional anims, but thanks for the extra work anyway!
Alright all you mech warrior fans, the viking assault also has a turret Z attached to its upper torso, allowing it to traverse like a goliath. For the really ambitious amongst you, I added an "attack walk" animation that can be utilized with actor events, allowing this thing to strafe and shoot too. The animation isn't top notch (I couldn't get the arms to recoil), but the gats elevate, spin, eject shells, and the bottom half walks, which isn't half bad either.
Can you attach a turret z to the ground mode viking as well? allowing it to function like a goliath?
No, I actually added a turretZ to the viking model, so it still has all its original attachments and particles. The key was to bind the bone_root to the turretZ attachment (Ref_TurretZ), which allowed the viking to emulate the behavior of a pheonix while still holding the essence of a viking! In my great wisdom, I forgot to bind the Ref_Shield volume to this turret, and that will be fixed in a bit.
Without physically modifying the model or using a pony actor with a turretZ, there was no known way of copying the pheonix's strafing shindig.
So you just replaced the phoenix model to the viking model?
Do a barrel roll!
sounds very useful... how long until it is perfected?