Twisted Metalcraft
This map is in early release form and has a bit of polishing left . It is currently playable as a 4 person death match. Arrows to move, Mouse clicks to use and change weapons, esc to show ui, Return to game to hide menu.
Models and bug fixes to come
Minimap by: .Talon
I'm getting really bored lately... I may even update this map in the coming weeks
This map is undergoing a large overhaul mostly trigger and attack wise. The update should also include car collisions.
I fixed the ammo system and weapons (special needs a bit more work but none of them are final)
I'm sorry, but I just have to post this here.
Twisted Metal: .
EDIT: To have relevance to the original point of posting here (so this isn't just spam ;)), good luck with this project! I never actually played the games but I've heard that they're good.
I'll write a brief back-story for all characters when the vehicles are finalized.
Beta Version Released!!!!! now for blizzard to fix the editor bugs so my perfect ammo system can make its appearance.
I was working on a similar map, Mario kart style tho, but the lag of key triggers was making it unplayable so i put it on hold. Feel free to look it over if you want to look at some triggers on how I was handling movement and a pick up/item system.
If you find a way around the crazy lag let me know and I'd appreciate it :-D
A model maker will create cars for the game. It's pretty far from finished. I'm also hoping for a better sound editor upon the release of starcraft 2.
Related Forum:
Is this a Starcraft parody of the Twisted Metal games? If so, that's cool. Hellions and siege tanks instead of cars.