Tiny Arena
Tiny Arena is an incredibly chaotic and fast-paced game inspired by Kirby Air Ride and Fly For Fun
Choose your unit from the selection of Gunny (Marine), Knifey (Zealot), and Punchy (Zergling)
Use abilities to conquer your enemies; which is everyone. Grab powerups and upgrades. The longer you live, the more powerful you become.
Get kill streaks to grow even stronger. Once a player achieves the title "Killionaire" (10 kill streak), all other players will be temporarily allied until the Killionaire is destroyed!
Match settings are voted on. "Timed" or "Kill Limit" matches with lengths of Quick (5 minutes, 10 kills), Normal (10 minutes, 20 kills), Long (20 minutes, 40 kills), and Legendary (40 minutes, 80 kills) are available