Thrikodias's Assets
A collection of models (usually kitbashes) and textures made or modified by me. Requirement dependencies are listed under the caveats section for individual files.
BorgDragon's tutorial should be used for the textures. The textures also have pretty large filesizes, so feel free to resize them.
I do not take requests.
Please give credit to Thrikodias.
Thanks goes to NiNtoxicated01 and Leruster for the 3ds max plugin and TaylorMouse for his M3 Import script!
Thanks! Finally we get extra protoss structures!
can I make some icons and wire frames for your buildings ;0
Edit I'll take mine down since you have them up now
Stone Zealot and mothership? would be cool as they are both very aweome looking units already.
For those who don't know.. I asked for help and this is what they said...
Import them, save the map, and look in imports, get the model names, and go to where u change models of a model, change say the colossus model to the dark colossus model...
It's posssible do a dark mothership?
I could use an obelisk. would be cool dark with it's floating/hovering affect. I'm using it in a tug of war called Lunar Axis of Chaos (public/published) and it sends an observer.
Also.. Where would I save these to exactly? Im not familiar with the sc2 files nd my guess would be to save it in the same place that the maps go.. That cant be right :/
My guess as to apply these skins would be to go through models (find it somewhere along-side of units, abilities, upgrades, and requirements ect.). fInd the picture of your "light" unit and change it (browse) for the dark.
Hi! You should keep doing these :D
Gah, There's a BIG issue with this model if you want to use attachment points. Seems like he may have cut corners, there is no origin attach point which causes issues.
how do i put it on the light ones
can some one please explain to me how i get this into my map
thanks very much.
Stoked for the Preserver models, been tryin to figure out how to lose that glow through data...
Good... I have buttons for them, including Mothership. Do you have plan to create MotherShip?
Hmm... Now if it only had a Team Coloured version.
Amazing, I think its a thing you can remove in the editor, but I still havent been able to yet. Thanks for making it easier. If you ever figure out how you do that stuff, Tell me because it would be awsome to make other units glow like he does!
@ Keyeszx
I think those are emitters in the model itself, so if he changed it in the "dark protoss" models that he uploaded then it should be green yes.
If not, it should be fairly easy to change, just take the existing one and change the colour.
Wow! That's cool. I might use this for my map. Thanks!
These are really nice, keep up the good work.
Just wondering if the blue trails left by air units is green. I thought that was something retextures couldn't fix.
Pretty cool project, nice work so far, :D.