Marines compose the bulk of most terran front-line forces, ranging from officially government-sanctioned units and local militias to renegades and mercenaries. Koprulu Sector marines are generally equipped with powered armor suits and rapid-fire C-14 rifles. The suit provides full life-support and NBC protection, allowing marines to deploy into environments that would otherwise be inimical to human life.
Alpha Formation
Marine - Offensive
The Marine calls out, ordering the squad to focus fire. A graphic will appear over the last target the Marine has fired on (And will change if he attacks something else). Any ally that attacks the same unit will deal [Accuracy x 2.0]% bonus damage. Lasts for [Stamina x 1.0] seconds.
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Delta Formation
Marine - Offensive
The Marine calls out, ordering the squad to charge forward. A graphic will appear pointing in the direction of the ability's target. Any ally that moves in that direction will get a [Stamina x 2.0]% bonus movement speed. All allies that move in the formation will fire while charging. Lasts until the marine reaches the target. The casting marine must move directly to the graphic.
Echo Formation
Marine - Defensive
The Marine calls out, ordering the squad to scatter. A graphic will appear at the center of the squad (Or maybe a target location). Any ally that moves away from it will get a [Stamina x 2.0]% chance to avoid damage. Lasts until the marine reaches a certain distance from the graphic. The casting marine must move directly away from the graphic.