Special Forces Elite Inferno 2.0
Start out with a Marine, Goliath and Viking and defend your base from the variety of enemies that converge on it. Use teamwork to defeat traps and large enemies. Use upgrades and special ablilities to defeat the mob of enemies that are there to kill you.
NOTE: This is a modified map from Special Forces Elite and the makeover version. Thank you mikelat and MarineDiablo for creating a great base for a map.
Upgrades we have done: Units cost increased. Enemies have increased health and attack - balance the late game fighting Increase attack rate of the Goliath to balance. Vikings betty turret attack decreased to help other players When killing a building it spawns more units. Cooldown times decreased to help with people only using single units. Lightning changed to make it look cooler. WATCH OUT FOR BANELINGS!!!!!! Regen rates increased to make costily units amazing.
We plan to add more to this map as we learn the map editor better. Hope you enjoy and please post any bugs or problems on this or shot me a message over battle net. We plan to patch this game a lot since we love these maps. mostly balancing and possibly new units(i.e. Protoss units), once we figure it out.
currently zealot and BC missles do friendly fire damage
Love the map, here are some suggests for v3.0 which is live already:
current values are as follows
unit dmg/1.5s Cost/1.5s dmg
BC 5672 1.59 (most OP unit till you see a queen or leviathan)
marine 1624 2.46 (super unit, great dmg absorbtion
marauder 1470 2.72 (decent 3rd or 4th unit to absorb some banelings)
reaper 1800 2.78 (super unit, never use the gernades cause they take too long to go off)
raven 2070 3.86 (ok 6x2 mini wraith attacks!)
DB 1260 3.97 pretty bulky, hard to get units clumped together maybe faster rate of fire at a lower dmg to compensate
goliath 733 5.46 (much better now cause of turret)
banshee 993 5.54 (ok cause multi target and knock down)
wraith 850 5.88 (ok cause of irradate and PDD
ghost 1140 6.14 (ok cause of penetrating round/snipe)
viking 636 6.29 (ok cause of good ol betty)
helion 600 6.67 (fun to use but hard to get that 2nd and 3rd rate going)
tank 937 7.47 (ok)
zealot 654 9.17 (major increase in dmg or an alternate ability...throwing knives? lol)
stalker 327 13.76 (sucky, fires too slow (1.0 seconds)
tank sgd 416 16.83 (ok)
MS 1251 17.59 (fun to see 22k die, leave it as is for newbs to use)
firebat 390 17.95 (ok)
immortal 220 27.27 (add shield regen or increase shield hp)
colossus 436 27.52 (+dmg)
I used 1.5 seconds since most units have a nice even multiplier close to that.
? What