Attack waves
There's no interaction in this map. All you do is watch the 2 parties attack each other in brutal, epic combat. It's that simple.
There's no interaction in this map. All you do is watch the 2 parties attack each other in brutal, epic combat. It's that simple.
@Scbroodsc2: Go
Haha, thanks. I basically have the know-how of a caveman when it comes to triggers and data, so your help is appreciated.
Quite funny. I've messed around with the map and looked at the triggers... there is place for a lot of speed improvements. If your game is laggy, don't search why. Just look in the Test document options in File -> Preferences and check show debug window. When you run the map, look at the Activity tab of the window that pop up. You have almost constantly alot of events per second. Half of them is with the "Unit kill" event for your leaderboard. Instead of changing the score everytime a unit is killed, you could simply make a while loop that changes the score to the player score: enemy units killed. You don't even need the variable. You have also many Peridic trigger, like: every X sec do actions, that is bad.
Option 1, move all the actions into the same periodic trigger. Option 2, make another while loop.
Don't forget in while loop to add a Wait otherwise you will get an error such as Execution took too long... or simply freeze.
Keep learning :D
Just released 1.6.0! Along with environment polish, a loading screen update and general improvements, the spotlight of this patch is the kill counter (Yes, it's basic, but for me it's an accomplishment).
V1.6.0 should come tomorrow, and besides bug fixes and general improvements, it'll come with a scoreboard! Yippie!
V1.5.2: Small update. Really it only adds more nukes to the final cutscene, because you can never have too many nukes.
Developing a scoreboard for V1.6.0!
Moved 1.5.0 into beta, as I feel that since it now has an ending, I can put it into that category.
Not too long after V1.4.0 is V1.5.0! It comes with an updated loading screen image, a game ending cutscene (at 10 minute mark), and it fixes the overlong battle bug. More to come soon!
V1.4.0 is here! It brings many new things. Besides the updated loading screen image and adjusted unit stats, the main new feature is the continuous unit waves. Running alongside the already existing unit waves, these waves spawn consistently every 7 game seconds, to ensure the action never dies. Don't worry, I've done a decent job at keeping them from swamping and lagging the game to death. As alwyse, more to come soon!
V1.3.0 is out, and with it comes some new goodies. First, there's a new wave that includes elite marines and thors, as well as regular battlecruisers. Also, the despawn areas have been prettied up, with repulsor fields and revealers to help them stand out. More to come soon!
V1.2.5 added not long after V1.2.0. Just some general improvements like a smoother start to the game, and the version number displayed in the bottom left of the screen when the game begins.
Just released V1.2.0! Not a huge game changer, but it fixes the deadly marauder bug, which is quite good.
V1.1.2 adds a loading image! There's a nasty bug with the marauders bullets causing a massive unit mob to spawn. This should be worked out soon.
Version 1.10 is uploaded and it comes with an improved map that gets rid of most of the empty space. Also there are thor and collosi waves.
In the future I plan to have each side steadily advance their forces, from marines to things like battlecruisers. Again, this is just a fun map made by someone who is total crap at triggers.