Siege of Augustgrad (another brood war remake)
This is a reamake of the Siege of augustgrad level in Brood War. You are the UED and must destroy the city. Complete with original transmissions from the game.
This is a reamake of the Siege of augustgrad level in Brood War. You are the UED and must destroy the city. Complete with original transmissions from the game.
The terrain itself look great! i think blizz should add this terrain to their 2v2 ladder. gj
There are two downloads for this map. The bottom one is the map that works correctly.
Really? Never happens to me. Unless you mean an error/warning message that comes up when the map loads that says could not load yada yada. If that message appears (the map will open fine anyway) ignore it. If that's not what ur talking about, maybe it downloaded incorrectly or something. Try downloading it again.
I get an error when trying to open the file