SC2 Map Analyzer
SC2 Map Analyzer analyzes melee maps and creates PNG images and CSV spreadsheets with the results. It measures shortest paths between key locations, computes "openness" around the map and measures positional balance! Use it to gather data on the official maps or help develop your own.
What's new?
- The whole usage model has changed; the analyzer is no longer intended to ever be run as a command line tool. Instead config files control the analyzer and you double-click the executable (or a shortcut to it) to start it up.
- Map formats from beta phase 1, beta phase 2 and post-release are supported now.
- The analyzer's model for pathing is much more precise; just compare the ramps in the before and after above. The analyzer also recognizes pathing fills and the painted pathing layer.
- The footprints.txt config file allows pathing footprints to be defined for any unit or doodad. With some help from the community we can fill this file out until the analyzer is aware of every bitty doodad that can affect pathing. For now it has the resources, watchtowers and destructibles.
Read the manual here and check out details about what the analysis calculates and the FAQ.
If you have any feature requests or do something cool with SC2 Map Analyzer, let me know!
Thanks, I'll be releasing announcements about it on SC2Mapster and TeamLiquid pretty soon, but this pesky day job is distracting me!
That's some really impressive visuals and data crunching, great job.
vjeux, thanks very much and your War3 recode looks cool! I figured the knight's jump plus the diagonals gives me a decent partition of the angles from one cell to another; still easy to code and a LOT less complicated than calculating shortest paths in arbitrary floating-point geometric space!
Also, it's really clever the way you handled multiple angle diagonals. I recoded Warcraft 3 for a school project and having only normal diagonals made the units move strangely. Using the "Knight" (chess) movement would make the movement more realistic!
Alright it's gone! Please send me a PM when you want it back up, I'll be happy to promote this project.
If you un-news it for me I promise it will come back with a BANG!
Want me to "un-news" it and put it back later?
I saw that! I'm at work now, but when I get home I'll be moving furiously to get the thing at the baseline where the results are publishable. I just changed the influence calculation (major factor in positional balance) so that stuff is out of whack. It should be up soon, I was hoping to quietly create the pages, but oh well!
Too late, it's in the news :)
Anyway, can't wait to see a version 1.0 with more statistics, it's already quite impressive!
I've got a plenty to do, but I wanted to get the 1.0 version up while I'm putting it all together for a nice release. If this project looks cool, stay tuned for when I go to the forums to announce it with lots of generated data to look over!
I got it posted and repos committed late last night, details are on the way!
This is really awesome, :). Though perhaps some instructions and a list of params would be nice, :P.
Nice tool :D