SC2 Map Analyzer
SC2 Map Analyzer analyzes melee maps and creates PNG images and CSV spreadsheets with the results. It measures shortest paths between key locations, computes "openness" around the map and measures positional balance! Use it to gather data on the official maps or help develop your own.
What's new?
- The whole usage model has changed; the analyzer is no longer intended to ever be run as a command line tool. Instead config files control the analyzer and you double-click the executable (or a shortcut to it) to start it up.
- Map formats from beta phase 1, beta phase 2 and post-release are supported now.
- The analyzer's model for pathing is much more precise; just compare the ramps in the before and after above. The analyzer also recognizes pathing fills and the painted pathing layer.
- The footprints.txt config file allows pathing footprints to be defined for any unit or doodad. With some help from the community we can fill this file out until the analyzer is aware of every bitty doodad that can affect pathing. For now it has the resources, watchtowers and destructibles.
Read the manual here and check out details about what the analysis calculates and the FAQ.
If you have any feature requests or do something cool with SC2 Map Analyzer, let me know!
@ Star, no man it's cool, the tool accepts all map files. Try downloading the latest version 1.3.1 which has support for all locales, not just English-US. Also, are you able to run the tool as the Administrator? Louder over at TL helped me figure out that this is necessary because the analyzer needs to load some DLLs to run and you need Admin permission to do that.
@ Dimfish, so then why isn't it working? Does the program only except .s2ma? Is there a way I can convert my .sc2map file into an .s2ma file without downloading from, as it is down at the moment?
If your program doesn't accept the map editor files themselves, I highly recommend you allow that in a future patch. :D
@ST4RKiLL3R, .s2ma is the extension for maps downloaded from and when you make your own map with the editor its extension is .SC2Map
Other than that the maps are all the same, same format and all!
@ Dim Fish, your the file you posted works. It generates the files fine. I think my problem is that I'm not using the right file, because I noticed that the file I downloaded from your ticket is a .s2ma file, where as the file I was using beforehand was a "StarCraft II Map File." It doesn't actually have an extension in the file name, it only says "StarCraft II Map File" as it's type. How do you produce a .s2ma file?
Why do you want to run the analyzer with lazy launcher GUI?
ST4rKiLL3R, sorry was unavailable over the weekend.
I have an XP and Vista system to test on, but not Windows 7. I have some other reports of issues that might be related to Windows 7 as well.
I made a ticket in this project for you.
While I find a system to test on directly, maybe you could try the following:
1. Can you analyze one of the ladder maps and see if it crashes also? I attached a ladder map file to the ticket, link above.
2. Can you attach the map that caused the crash to the ticket, or send it directly to me? Maybe your map exposes a bug I am not aware of.
But I will see about general issues in Windows 7 as well.
Hmm, check if you run the program as administrator of the computer, after what you describe, the soft is supposed to create some files, which might not be allowed by windows seven and cause the crash. Other possibility, if you run seven on 64bits, maybe you will have to recompilate new binaries in order to have a compatible executable.
I'm not an expert in C, not yet, maybe you should ask dimfish by private message.
@StukKivan: Already tried the 'Run in XP' mode for the program. It starts up, gets the map size and maybe 3 other lines of info and then attempts to get another type of info and crashes. I'll post a screenshot if you want.
I think windows seven has a "windows XP emulation mode", try it and launch the program in a shell.
zzz how do you get it to work on Windows 7 x.x
and by the way here's my email address [email protected] thnxx!!
can somebody help me how to use this maps in single/offline mode using lazzy luncher.GUI..
Problem solved, thanks for your help. As you said, some extra space behind the minerals solved it. This soft is really awesome to improve melee maps :)
One reason why your resources might not be recognized is if they are very close to a cliff; the analyzer's pathing extends a little further into the spaces that units can actually walk in game (I'm working on solutions to this, read the analysis details page to understand what's up) but for now you can solve it by either moving the bases at little away from the edge or adding some space behind the expansion.
This software is great, but this evening I have encounter a problem.
I've just modify one of my map in the current analyse folder and adding some minerals spots, and after that I don't know why but somes minerals of the mains basis, natural expands, and third basis seems to be ignored by the software. Moreover, not all the main bases are concerned which is strange because the map is symetrical, the whole of them should be, or none of them. If someone can tell me if the problem come from the software, from my map, or from my computer, it would be nice.
Keep working, this will be a really great program ;)
How do you get it to work? Everytime I place a map file into the folder and run the application it crashes? I'm running Windows 7, if that helps.
mnadeau, it could do that and I'll add it as an output column!
good job! A really usefull one! Can it track the distance between the base and the nearest gold extension?
Very cool tool for melee map makers. Nice work man