SC2 Art of Defense

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of StarCraft II. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Use melee techniques to defend your base from waves of incoming attacks. Beat all the waves to win the game in Co-op mode or survive longer than the other team in versus mode. The tech tree is the same as a standard melee game but the cost and build time have been adjusted for a less macro intensive game.

Art of Defense map with the following features:
- Choice of Co-op, Versus, or Battle (currently with 6 players)
- Choice of starting resource (2x, normal, or half)
- Choice of difficulty: Junior (1 upgrade, 1.4x time between waves), Easy (1 upgrade, 1.2x time between wave), normal (2 upgrades and all teched), hard (3 upgrades and all teched)
- enemy units upgrade over time (base on difficulty)
- 50% build time for tier 1 buildings (excluding base defense + production buildings)
- 100% build time for tier 2 buildings (excluding production buildings)
- 200% build time and 200% build cost for tier 3 buildings (excluding production buildings)
- 50% build time for units
- 50% faster larva spawn time
- larva cap at 5
- 99 upgrades with increasing cost and build time
- 21 upgrades for Terran building armor, neo frame, and hi-sec missle
- upgradable base defense
- useable abilities in bunker for ghost and scv
- ability to load zerg units into the bunker
- multiple unit types in attack waves (unit mixture similar to those in melee games for stronger pushes)
- timer and unit type warning (with icons!) for upcoming wave
- attacking units uses abilities, and sweep scanner once in a while if you are cloaked or on the edge
- Terran and Protoss are able to build on creep (make the game more zerg friendly)
- Protoss able to chrono boost allies
- Resource Sharing Option
- Bounty for killing enemy units
- Scoreboard to show each player's unit kills

Things that are in progess are:
- Heroes (for players to build and as attack wave)

Any suggestions are welcome.

  • The map is beatable on Normal/normal with all Zerg, Terran, and Protoss. (I did it myself)


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 12, 2010
  • Last Released File
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