SC1+2 Total Conversion
This map allows users to play with both Brood War and Star Craft 2 units when they fight each other. Computer AI works properly.
It's easy to add the same functionality to any existing map from Phantom style maps to RP levels, just follow my easy guide:
Hey guys, sorry for the newb question but this map is unplayable atm :S I just downloaded and Sc2 says it can't launch the map (probably because it fails to load a file). Which brings me to the question: Where can I find, and how do I install the requirements for this map?
I have been working on the Protoss maps from SC1 - along with a Mod based on the work of the guys who did the Terran and Zerg campaigns from SC1. I don't know if your mod will work with these maps but either way I seem to have gotten my mod to work fully for the scope of SC1 tho. I didn't know about your work but it is cool to see that I'm not the only one trying to do this stuff...
Hey there danielrh,
Do i need to set up this so i can play it and publish it?
How do i publish this? I already published it, but it think i'm playing in Toxic Slums I am here on Southeast Asia. Any help from the author?
thanks the new mod is great
maybe you aren't in the US realm...then refuse to login to battlenet until you remove the dependency. and readd the dependency?
I downloaded the map, and the Map-editor have used over 3 houers already to download from computer is slow, and map`s on 415 kb takes aboat 1-2 minutes to open, and this file is 6 274 kb :P issent that 6,2 Mb? takes years.....o.O My computer is old and fucked up, so im looking forward to getting a new computer soon :P The MapEditor shud have a %-scale , so i cud see the progres. All it does now is show me how many secund it have used to trye to open the gad dam file. How does that help me? o.O
@odioustea If you are on US, you can just find the mod on by searching for SC1vs in the mods list... if you are not, go ahead and publish the mod to battlenet... then you can access it (make sure to make it public if you want others to be able to do the same)
another option is to put it into c/Program Files/StarCraft II/Mods and then go to File|Dependencies... and select local filesystem but if you want to publish the map you're going to have to push it to or reference my mod there.
um... How do you install the "SC1vs.SC2Mod 4.0" as in which folder do I put it i?
Dunno how outdated the guide for applying mode to other map, in order for the trigger to apply to all existing player, simply loop through pick each player in player group - Active players and do - Set upgrade etc for player "picked player"
when you post the new mod send me a pm
i love ze units proper to sc1.
can't understand for the life of me why not only expand when doing sc2... the lurker is not the roach, sunken cannot enter the nydus....blablabla
fantastic job on the work
Wow! It's genial
I liked it. I played as Protoss, and as expected Dragoon is overpowered. I was thinking if the Dragoon was in SC2, compared to the units now, its would just destroy everything.
Veriath: I hexedited the immortal.m3 model to move some of the vertices based on a few bounding box tests to [0,0,1]:
Reaver model/texture by mParfait & UltiDrgn. The Reaver model was made by the SC2BW team.
Hey! The map looks very awesome i cant wait trying it :) But Where do you get the models ? The Dragoon For example ?