Sand Canyon Ultimate Level 1
Trying to create a map that contains SC1 units, SC2 units, SC2 campaign units, and SC2 hero units that level up with WC3 hero Style upgrading. I am trying to do it for all races. Also trying to make each race equal. I want to use all the SC2 campaign Terran units including the bunker. I am also looking for a expert to make the map switchable from TPS mode into RTS. I am also looking for a team of experts to help me out. This map would be a hecka fun map with all the best of parts of all the blizzard games.
Can you publish this to online so that I can play it with MultiPlayer with my friends or is there another way to do that without using a patching tool.
Great map! There was an older one posted on this site that supported the single-player campaign units, but it had several bugs regarding units and upgrades. Yours is MUCH better.
One question: I noticed that the Science Vessel button and ability are showing on the Starport card, but the button doesn't show up in a game, any idea why?
Thanks for working on this map!
Edit: I figured out the Science Vessel problem!
Now it's buildable!