Sam Quater's Diary

Small Notes

This are going to be a Storyline after the Breakout. Sam Quater is the main Char. and a Ghost/Spectre from the ShadowBlade project. Sam wants his revenge for that massacre Mengsk made on his Home plant Wara Mara. While Jim Raynor on Char, Sam are getting a crew for his mission on Wara Mara.

There are gonna be more, this is just the beginning. I could need some help from ppl, couse am not the best editor and if you want to help me, plz PM me :)

I need bit Info about:

Modeling, Animetion and Texture: I could need some help with it, becouse i got some ideas for some new units for the storyline.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 4, 2010
  • Last Released File
    Jan 9, 2011
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