Prototype Classic Turret Defense
As of 5-7-2010, this project has been discontinued. There are many people doing a much better job with turret defense maps than I am and my interests have centered on other projects. I hope someone got some use out of my triggers and such. Maybe I'll come back to this later.
This is a prototype turret defense map similar to the ones everyone is used to from classic SC. This is by no means meant to be a complete playable map. I am using this to test the functionality of the Galaxy Editor in respect to this old time favorite UMS map of mine.
View changelog for more information on each build.
VER 0.30 4-26-2010
Added photon cannon and spore crawler to build options. Units can be place anywhere with no power matrix or creep requirement.
First 2 rounds are somewhat balanced. Still playing with damage and range of different turrets.
Currently working on custom turrets. Having some issues with game crashing when trying to build custom buildings, will save for later update.
VER 0.20 4-25-2010
Added additional waves, Countdown Timers, New life counter, mineral gains for kills
VER 0.10 4-24-2010
Turret stacking, Wave pathing, Terrain layout.
What I'm having trouble with thus far:
Unit groups, mostly. I began trying to assign all created attacking units to a unit group called "ATTACKERS" and then issue commands from there. In the loss a life trigger I added the fleet beacons to a unite group called "LIVES" . The first issue was the created attackers would not move at all, even though I could find no issue in the code. I ended up changing the trigger to issue orders to "LastCreatedGroup" or whatever it's called and it works fine. However, the trigger for losing lives involved any unit form the unitgroup "attackers" entering the end region, and that would not set off the trigger either. I don't know if I am using the commands wrong or what, but I am working around it. Any insight on unit groups would be great.
What to expect in the next build:
Additional turrets/waves
Some balancing.
wow the wave is hardcore but I finally managed to kill it :p