Seeking Name
It is a remake of the old "Ice Gliders" map from Warcraft 3. Now with HotS, a new ice textures came out, I thought about bringing the old map back, but as I did not do the Wc3 map, Bombz did all cred to him, I will start a new map with the same concept as his old map.
As the title sais I don't have a real name yet, and I don't want to rip the exact name from the old "Ice Gliders".
Space Sliding, zerGliderz, Ice Gliding...
A video of the old Warcraft 3 map posted by Antti Terva
Gamplay Description
So the thought is, you choose a Unit/Hero. Then when everyone has picked one, they are sent into a arena where the floor is covered with Ice.
It is slippery and when walking, you accelerates towards your destination, you build up speed, and slides around. If you stop, you will still glide, but slowly stop due to friction. When colliding with walls or other units, you take damage and deal, depending on your and their speed/angle. You also have spells that help you kill your enemy, as the goal is to kill your enemies. You respawn after a coupple of seconds.
You gain points each time you kill someone by either crashing into them, using your spells or pushing them to hard into the walls. Gamemodes are chosen and winconditions set to either a Timer that when it ends the one with the most points win, or just the first to 100 points.
The image under here shows the collision between a Zergling and a Marine
The units you can choose from are Zerglings, Marines, Preservers and more. They all have their own abilities and stats that make them good on diffrent things. Unit and ability ideas are welcome.
The stats that depend on each character are:
- Acceleration.
- Mass.
- Friction.
- Collision Radius.
Units currenly in the game:
- Zergling.
- Marine.
- Preserver.
- Engineer.
Currently in development:
- Dark Templar.
- Narud.
- Primal Strain Ultralisk.
What I seek to get from seeking this site is Ideas for new Units and Abilities, as well as feedback on map designes.
Please contact me if you have any ideas.
Images and videos will be uploaded soon...