Multitasking Trainer
Multitasking Trainer v0.94
This is a map based on the Hotkey Trainer map for bw. It is a great way to practice and improve your multitasking APM and Hotkey usage.
Huge changes have been made with v0.9! check the files page for the changelog.
You need to manage your base, defend incoming attacks, keep your minerals low, rescue a neutral unit and defeat your opponent all while microing a probe that is constantly being chased by a zergling.
The player has the ability to select his desired race at the beginning of the map as well as choose from five different difficulty settings or create the custom settings that are better suited to his needs. The map is now fully customizable! Also, as of v0.94 "Coach Mode" has been added. This feature displays an alert when you are not making workers as Protoss or Terran or when you have idle larve and Creep Tumors as Zerg. It is indended to further help people improve their multitasking and macro.
For some tips on beating the map and improving you should read these posts:
For more details about the map (and perhaps to contact me more easily since I dont log in here as much) please visit the map's "official" thread on
This is the first map I have ever made so all comments, suggestions, bug reports etc will be greatly appreciated :)
Locale fixed, good job (i had fixed the previous version in order to play it tough) The problem (i think) now is that i get vision of the terran base, donĀ“t think that's intended.
I thought I had... Can anyone confirm that locale isn't fixed?
I liked the map but i have the US Beta and keep getin Value/Param/6456459 etc which is really annoying, would be cool if you'd fix the locale "bug".
Yea, I saw you post on TL, I just haven't had the time to answer.. And it's already fixed :P thank you for letting me know!
Hey posted about a glitch on team liquid but I don't know if you've read that thread, basically you can set the probe to patrol the island and it will make it around the map only being hit enough to deplete its shields. So it becomes a set and forget.
In other news, a huge update is coming some time this week hopefully :D
Hey everyone, thanks for the input! Forgive me for taking so long to answer but work is killing me these days...
Suggestions... When I tried to view the replay to see if my APM went up, I couldn't load the map in the replay.. Maybe at the end of the game, show APm for players if they want, instead of going straight to the defeated screen, as well as some helpful information/tips? Might add a good touch.
Yea, an APM counter is something I'd really like to have in the map but I have no idea how or if its even possible to make this work. If anyone can help with this, please do!
I remember reading somewhere that if you run the map from the editor then replays work but I haven't tried it yet..
Thank you for the very helpful input.
- add some other multasking feature (ex : if it is zerg, you begin with a creep tumor : If you have a creep tumor which can duplicate and did not in 30 sec, then you loose)
This is a great idea but unless there was something similar for Terran and Protoss it wouldn't be fair... Still, I'll try to implement it somehow.
- force the in-built macro mecanism (you start with a queen/orbital command and you MUST never have more than 50 energy on the queen/nexus and 100 on the orbital command)
- remove the rescue thing, or make it more difficult, like you must do multiples successives actions like this (which could be random and given at some part of the map)
These are coming in the next update :)
- Make the base you must destroy and the base which attack you different so that you can actually scout what it is doing (it may be stupid because of the very bad AI thought) and diversify it's strategy : the player must not win because he knows what is coming !
This (having to scout the opponent) is something that would make the map so much better but right now there are much more pressing issues considering how hard it would be to implement a decent AI with build orders and such.
bug :
- even when I pick zerg it says "you must have additionnal pylons" which is kind of disturbing ! (I think this is a known issue )
Yes, this is because there is no way (that I know of) to change the UI race after the game starts you if you get protoss you are stuck with the protoss voices. Again, if someone knows of a good way to fix this (at least the sounds) please let me know.
@ Gerrex, Amerzel and all the people that find this map frustrating:
I have been playing the predecessor to this map for a very long time since when I was a little noobling in bw. Let me tell you, you may find it frustrating at first but multitasking and speed is one of the most important skills you need to have in SC. If you are looking for a fun map to pass your time with, this is not it. But if you are looking for a tool to help you improve you may be in the right place! If you just can't keep the probe alive even on easy then I think you may have to change the way you play the game dramatically. This post is already huge so I won't start posting tips but pm me and I'd be more than happy to help you!
I can see this being a great learning tool. I agree with a previous poster though, to a player new to SC and micro'ing, trying to keep the probe alive is extremely hard. Maybe create a Very Easy mode with something not quite so time consuming to help extreme beginners like myself?
One idea would be to make the player micro manage the probe for certain time intervals. IE, make them manage it for 30 seconds and then give them a 30 second break.
Thanks, James
Hello, saw this map on Weapon of Choice, it is amazing imho...i dont think its too hard by no means...i mean ye its hard but i managed to finish it on easy level after perheps 3 tries...and im no pro player im just a scrub from silver yeah keep the good shit up <3
Wow.Nice map and thx for sharing it.It is soo hard,but that's what keeps you playing it.And it helps a lot! Finally managed it to finish on normal after frustrating 10 tries or more.Almost destroyed my keyboard cause it was soo close so often :D Thx again and keep on doing it. Didnt try the hard mode so far,but what about adding a "ultra hard" mode with turrets on the island which shoot your transporter :D So you have to use a skelleton force to come through it ^^
a seriously great map.
But i feel like the rescue of the executor is kind of easy.
some suggestions :
- add some other multasking feature (ex : if it is zerg, you begin with a creep tumor : If you have a creep tumor which can duplicate and did not in 30 sec, then you loose)
- force the in-built macro mecanism (you start with a queen/orbital command and you MUST never have more than 50 energy on the queen/nexus and 100 on the orbital command)
- remove the rescue thing, or make it more difficult, like you must do multiples successives actions like this (which could be random and given at some part of the map)
- make the game "faster" even in easy mode, because I'm afraid it could make you loose the real timings (on queen & co) !
- Make the base you must destroy and the base which attack you different so that you can actually scout what it is doing (it may be stupid because of the very bad AI thought) and diversify it's strategy : the player must not win because he knows what is coming !
- Allow expansion and maybe find a way to force the player to do them in hard
bug :
- even when I pick zerg it says "you must have additionnal pylons" which is kind of disturbing ! (I think this is a known issue )
I do not know what you want to do with this, but i think some of this features could be great !!
Again great map man !
Of course it's frustrating, it's training. From this, I've started hot keying more production buildings and keeping my minerals much lower, all while microing that dumb probe.
I've played the map five or six times so far, and I keep getting better and better at it, so I know it helps!
I've managed to keep all five Probes alive, with full health! He'd take a hit or two but the shield regens, luckily.
Now to try normal mode!
This may be my anger from trying it a few times and failing but get rid of the damn probe. No one babysits a scout for 15 minutes.
It gets impossible. The Zergling makes far sharper turns and the probe dies instantly if you are at all late on getting back to it. This doesn't help someone who needs major improvement get faster, it only serves to frustrate them.
I can't seemingly get an army going when I have to go back to this probe every 3 seconds. It would also help if "Proberto"'s stats were actually the same as a normal probe. He's far more fragile than any unit you will ever get or make, so keeping this piece of sugar-glass alive is an unrealistic expectation put on the player.
To be very honest, I feel like my first objective is to save the probe by getting a flyer and blowing the zergling to hell.
Take this with a grain of salt as I just played it a few times and lost solely due to this miserable probe babysitting. This comment is mostly fueled by anger and frustration at that.
I love it :D Finished it on easy, its a great map
You did a good job on this map, keep it up. I can see using this once a day before you go into matches can increase your APM/Multitasking...
I was using it and was doing way more then I used to before.
Suggestions... When I tried to view the replay to see if my APM went up, I couldn't load the map in the replay.. Maybe at the end of the game, show APm for players if they want, instead of going straight to the defeated screen, as well as some helpful information/tips? Might add a good touch.
EDIT: I think if you add those the player can see the map is helping them improve, and use it regularly.
Thank you for your kind comments :P
The zergling chasing the probe does not move faster than the probe. It has custom stats that cause to hit only if the probe is moving on waypoints or if you order it to make a sharp turn. I have put a lot of effort in setting this up so that the player has to keep his attention on the probe but is not punished if he lets it on a couple of waypoints while he does something important in his base. If the zergling moved any slower (or was a zealot) it would be possible to just set the probe on infinite waypoints and never have to worry about it again which would kinda negate the whole purpose of the map :)
If you are having difficulty keeping the probe alive, just make sure to control it during turns, giving it a couple of move orders at increasing angles so that it turns smoothly. Then go back to your base until the next turn.
Please note that Normal difficulty is intended to be challenging even for a gold/platinum player so don't feel bad trying in on easy. I guarantee its very good practice.
Probe and zergling thing is fine, once zergling hit the probe, probe makes distance and regenerate shield so its not a big deal (a bit annoying for sure though, but thats the point of practicing multitasking right?)
But the enemy starts with too much army.
zerglings are slightly faster than probes. make it a zealot instead
why zergling... it would be better if another worker is following
zergling kills my probe even if i take full control of probe :p
ok i love it but that save the probe shit was gay as any thing i have ever seen PLZ take it out