Maul's Risk: Bel'shir

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of StarCraft II. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

The objective of Risk: Bel'shir is to capture and defend territories while your enemies fight to do the same, with the victor claiming all the territories. Risk: Bel'shir is segregated into six different regions, with each region connected to at least one other. The more capture points a region has the harder it is to defend, but greater reward.

The more territories you have the more income you'll receive to spend on units or upgrades. Capture an entire region to receive bonus units.

Right now I've got all the template for the capture conditions made and just need to put them in place. Capturing each capture point involves placing a unit in the dirt circle around each capture point, while no enemies occupy that same space, different to WC3 and other versions where you need to kill a lone defender unit which you then replace with a unit of your own. This in my eyes is a better system as it gives you more flexibility to use your full army while leaving individual bases unoccupied, however making that capture point more vulnerable.

The map design isn't finished yet, I still need to balance each region and also finish prettying it up.

I'll continue to update details and screenshots as the development progresses but won't upload the completed map until phase two of the beta begins, as my triggers at this point are unique and don't want to give others a chance to "steal" the functionality just yet as has happened with other map developer's maps.

Please leave feedback on the map design and anything you'd like to see.


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