Matchmaking - The Game
DEMO Version - For Balance and Engine Testing
v0.1: 10 level
Review on SCLegacy:
Only Single - Battle Mode is available with 10 Level
Match unit in a board game to battle versus enemy waves
A match is valid if 2 unit are of the same type and no obstacle between them. The shortest route will be chosen. The longer this route is, the more unit you called from it.
Any suggestion and balance idea are seriously needed.
Note: All mechanics , enemy waves, board setup and many other elements are subject to change in further release. I will not be liable for any frustration and damage caused by beta testing this map AND/OR anticipation of the word soon.
Micro away and have fun. Remember to give feedbacks ( your score is at the mineral).
If you feel like to help, I'm recruiting a balance/waves designer and a story writer (for a campaign mode). PM me for more info.
Its seems like everyone else is having trouble with level 3...I never really had that much trouble with it O.o. Just get a crapload of units and deck them out, with sentries using that defensive shield thing. Really nothing special I tried to do lol.
Edit: Oh wow that's a lot more zealots in this version haha. Lemme try some more times ^.^ also love the choose your level addition, thank you so much!
hey man.. Just wanted to tell you that this game has a sh*t load of potential. ones of my favorite games i have tried on any site.. I love the "matchmaking" Part of it and was hoping you would let me use it for youtube. Il remove the game immediately if you want, but i am taking no credit for anything.. Except the very ending: The last title i made, I put "A Legoman6000 Test."
Anyways, back to the feedback. The game is very well balanced, however i cant seem to get past level 3.. Its like 50 times harder.. Thats about the only flaw i see.. GJ Keep up the work.
Ahhh k woot beat all 10 levels lol. 3 MAJOR things:
lvl 6 (I think) with the marines/marauders/medivacs- Before you choose your units, all the medivacs run off the sides and kill themselves (rather comical lol).
lvl 9, to begin with, my air army got crushed of course. Its really hard. Except! The marines never attacked, and the pheonixes only pulled a ground unit up in the air like every 35 seconds lol, so my few remaining units we able to kills off the marines and pheonixes. So you have to fix the marines, and then reduce the amount of pheonixes...that stuff absolutely raped my stuff, and my ground forces would have been raped if they werent bugged to where they didn't lift them as they should.
lvl 10, VERY VERY VERY EASY haha. Got waaaaay to many units for the amount you had to verse. =D
Suggestion: Could you perhaps put the # of what minimum length is required for the specific units? It's pretty frustrating to get a seemingly long match for say colossus and not get it =/
Yep that's + is the only thing you get. Good luck, if you feel something are too imbalanced, give your suggestions
I finally beat it, on like my 8th try lol. So when it says +1, you're supposed to only get 1? Because I've gotten +0 lol, so I had assumed it was a regular 1 +(bonus for length). But that time it seemed correct if the +1 is actually the only 1 you get and not a bonus. You just really have to get super lucky with being able to get a really long length in order to get every tank...because if you arent able to get every single one you're done lol.
I dont know what grouping you're referring, there's only bonus for a long match. here's the formula, length = number of plus sign you see show up.
Score = (Base match score + length* base length score) * (length/5)*1.1) * (length/10)*1.05
Unit spawned = total score/ unit resource value , rounded down,
This is to not punish people who could not make long match while provide bonus for very long match
So its normal that I match up 6 tanks (so 3 groups), getting perhaps 1 bonus for 2 of the groupings, and only receive 2? And one time I grouped like 8 vikings and literally only got 1.
I dunno, its just that I beat all levels really easily (1-3 still are super easy, lol), except I can't really get that close to beating level 4. I maxxed out on vikings and I only got like 3, which of course didn't kill the bc. Ground was also lacking... lol.
It's not bugged, the more costly the unit. the less you get from it. And sr for the bug not getting past level 5, I still put my max level variable at 5 :D Updated
Not cool. I've re-downloaded it and replayed it many times. Level 4 is always bugged. Instead of getting about 5-6 tanks as I should (and got in my first game), I'm only receiving like 2. The other units besides vikings seem to be lacking as well. Unbeatable with this lame bug...sigh
Well that's wierd....on my second time playing, on level 4 I didn't receive any extras for any unit whatsoever. Odd bug lol.
Edit: Happened again. Really strange, didn't happen on my first time playing. Gay lol Hmm, it happened on level 3...Marauders and sentries I don't think were affected though, I seemed to get the appropriate amount for them. But pheonixes and vikings absolutely didn't give me the correct amount. If it'll help, tanks and observers from what I remember specifically did not grant the correct amount (No bonuses).
I still only was able to do 5 levels? O.o Very fun tho!
EDIT: I also didn't really have any trouble with any wave (except for the first when I was figuring out what I was supposed to do lol). Just gotta get as much units as possible =P
Sentry bug fixed, balance fix, 5 more level added. v0.1
I have the same problem as Pigs - I can't really beat wave 3 as the Ultralisks pwn all my forces and I can't use Forcefields to keep them away. The forcefields spawn and immediatly disappear or something, leading me to automatically lose whenever I summon one.
Well that is weird, that event only fire if number count of your unit == 0. Force field is considered unit but this is nonsense :(
found a bug. whenever u force field, it automatically gos to game over.
how bout making a "Copy Enemies Force" just for ppl who are still learning micro???
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE!!!!!! this is just like the game "hardcounter"