The Marine Corps
The Marine Corps - Until the day of the defeat of the "glorious Confederacy" the army was called Marine Corps. A corrupt but also well orginized Army.
Raynor was 18. His family is poor, he want to get money for them. So he joined the Marine Corps and meets friends, who stamp his life...
(Sorry for bad english)
This is his story.
How it said, i will make a campaign of raynors life from the beginning to the end of the marine corps. -> Many Cinematics, because its build on the Books of Starcraft. (Heavens Devils etc.)
maybe a marine's corpse really was their fighting force
You can just post / send me any dialogue / text and I'll edit it for you.
Maybe it would be nice if someone would help me, im german and my english isnt that well :s
Do you need any help with grammar? Because I already noticed a few mistakes "Marine Corpse" should be "Marine Corps". "Corpse" is a dead body, whereas "Corps" is more like a military's group of soldiers.