Stagger = causes enemy to freeze in place, does light damage
Fear = causes enemy to not attack and scatter, does light damage
Plauged Ground = Conjurer gets sight range on plauged ground. non-conjurer units move slower through plague, plauge ground continues to spread over time (slowly, will probably work like creep tumors)
Plauge Units = aoe, causes high DOT
Fake Town = Yup, an entire fake base can be summoned. lols
Protection Aura = AOE damage absorbing shield
Mass Heal
Rebuke = temperary AOE wall that hurts enemy units that walk through it, and heals allied units
Healing Aura = AOE health regeneration
Pacifism = inside AOE Enemy units cant attack for a short time
Reconcile = Mind Control/Charm, cant be used on Mages
Temperary Invincibility
Slow enemys targeted AOE
Haste Buff AOE On Self
Building Haste
Blink (personal short-range teleport)
Mass Teleportation = from where the chronomancer is, to elsewhere
Forsight (like sense magic, MUCH longer range, drains mana over time)
Scry (scan sweep)
Time Vortex
Flight = can't cast offencive spells when flying, X mana used when taking off+ mana loss each second
Arcane Bolt = single direct damage bolt
Arcane Storm = targeted AOE, a storm of arcane bolts
Arcane Lance = direct damage lightning bolt line, multiple targets can be hit, better against armored targets
Arcane Fire = cone of direct damage fire + dot, better against lightly armored targets
Arcane Burst = AOE burst
Arcane Freeze = targeted AOE, slows movement and does damage
(NUKE, needs a good name)
Recall = recall units to the summoner
S: Wolf Pack = summon 5 wolves, basic summon
S: Archer Squad = basic ranged summon of 6 archers
S: Giant Scorpion = heals fast, ranged
S: Archon = heals fast, strong melee
S: Dragon = flying creature, can breath fire
S: Demon Lord = caster, above average hp for a caster
ranged fireball aoe (not too strong, can be used frequently)
summon undead
several skeleton archers, they dissapear after a short time