MMC - Macro Mineral Check

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of StarCraft II. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Macro Mineral Check is a script applied to officials 1v1 ladder maps in order to enhance your macro management.

The script is based on a mineral cap not to exceed.

The mineral cap is 500 for Terran & Protoss and 400 for Zerg. It's based on expand cost (Command center, Nexus & Hatchery). Each time you expand or train worker you extand the mineral cap

- Worker : +8 - Expand: +75

You have a leaderboard to see how many times you reached the mineral cap and how much money your opponents receive.

The two times you reached the cap you have your minerals divided by 3 and you give them to your opponents. If you reached the cap three times you have a random building wich is destroyed.

I hope you enjoy this script.

PS: it's vs Computer only, multiplayer will come sooner.

V2.0 Maps available on BNET for enEN client ! Just search "MMC" keyword to find them.

  • MMC-Steppes of War-enEN
  • MMC-Blistering Sand-enEN
  • MMC-Delta Quadrant-enEN
  • MMC-Jungle Bassin-enEN
  • MMC-Lost Temple-enEN
  • MMC-Metalopolis-enEN
  • MMC-Scrap Station-enEN
  • MMC-Shakuras Plateau-enEN
  • MMC-Xel'Naga Caverns-enEN

V2.0 Maps available on BNET for frFR client ! Just search "MMC" keyword to find them.

  • MMC-Bassins luxuriants-frFR
  • MMC-Cavernes Xel'Naga-frFR
  • MMC-Désert ardent-frFR
  • MMC-Métalopolis-frFR
  • MMC-Plateau de Shakuras-frFR
  • MMC-Quadrant Delta-frFR
  • MMC-Station de recyclage-frFR
  • MMC-Temple oublié-frFR
  • MMC-Steppes de Guerre-frFR

V2.0 Maps available on BNET for US client ! Just search "MMC" keyword to find them.

  • MMC-Steppes of War-usUS
  • MMC-Blistering Sand-usUS
  • MMC-Delta Quadrant-usUS
  • MMC-Jungle Bassin-usUS
  • MMC-Lost Temple-usUS
  • MMC-Metalopolis-usUS
  • MMC-Scrap Station-usUS
  • MMC-Shakuras Plateau-usUS
  • MMC-Xel'Naga Caverns-usUS

MMC V1.1

MMC V1.1

MMC V1.1

MMC V1.1


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 24, 2010
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
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