M3 to HTML
This tool dumps the contents of a .m3 file into html. References are manifested as hyperlinks allowing you to jump from one section to another. Future releases will contain back references, animation references and other possible data sets constructed by linking references together.
Thanks that looks great (not understandable for human though :P)
Here's a page with both the html and css :) http://www.fooo.fr/~vjeux/curse/sc2/news/m3tohtml/sc2_declarations_use.html
Here is Marine.m3.html which I have rendered from Marine.m3. However to view it with the proper formatting you need to download it and ViewM3.css and place them in the same directory.
Could you post a sample result?
Well I hope you find it helpful debugging files for your importer/exporter. I added support for css stylesheets and now it looks much nicer. Let me know if you want any additional support or features.
Note: Make sure to place ViewM3.css in the same directory as your HTML file.
Very cool therockman. I like the linking concept, good for navigating through the M3's nested references. My recommendations:
Overall it looks good, appreciate you sharing the source with us. I'll take a peak under the hood at some point later.
Sorry, I compiled the exe with VC 2010 Beta which I don't think everyone has the dlls for yet. I am going to upload a version compiled with VC 2008. If you you still can't get it to run then you need to download and run VCRedist_x86.exe from Microsoft.
um.. i get an msvcr100.dll , msvcp100.dll error :(