LibTD is a SC2 library for tower defence type maps that reduces the amount of scripting to be done to create a tower defence map. The map maker only has to set input variables in the library like the waves (which unit, how many to spawn, sound to play, etc.), the creep spawn/target point, the amount of time between waves and more (see example below). It is currently in a very early state and very experimental.
An example of the actions that the map maker would have to call to use the library:
------- Add player 1 with 15 lives, their creep spawn and end point, their worker spawn point and worker unit type.
Add player(1, 15, Creep spawn point, Creep end point, Creep end point, Tower Builder)
------- Add a wave with 30 SCV's with a spawn rate of one SCV per 0.33 seconds. Play sound SCV_Ready when the waves starts and award the player 5 mineral as bounty when all the units in the wave are destroyed
Add wave("SCV's", 30, SCV, 0.33, SCV_Ready, 5)
Add wave("Zerglings", 32, Zergling, 0.25, Zergling_Pissed, 5)
Add wave("Marauders", 25, Marauder, 0.75, Marauder_Pissed, 10)
Add wave("Hellions", 15, Hellion, 0.5, Hellion_Pissed, 10)
Add wave("Colossi", 10, Colossus, 1.0, Colossus_Pissed, 10)
Add wave("Immortals", 10, Immortal, 1.0, Immortal_Pissed, 10)
Add wave("Mothership", 8, Mothership, 3.0, Mothership_Pissed, 10)
------- Start LibTD