Lane Runner
"Welcome, brave one, to the Lane Runner arena. Whether you are here for wealth, cause or glory, one thing is certain; You are here for blood!"
The object of Lane Runner is to be the first player to destroy the enemy base at the end of your lane. Use your hero, their skills and various items you may come across to push your lane by destroying each lane marker to unlock the next and then open up the enemy base. You can try to break your record for fastest time to clear a lane, or you can break into other lanes and harass you opponents.
Customizable hero skills
You'll never have to play the same hero twice with my comprehensive skill leveling system. Customize options from the size of Psionic Storm to the attack speed bonus of Stim Pack. Plus many other unique skills.
Optional PvP
The design of the lanes and layout of the arena allow a player to avoid others and push his lane, but also promote cross over and fun encounters with other heroes.
Item/ Structure system with completely movable base elements
Plan your defense like you want it, then pick it up, move it down the lane and hold your ground.
Puzzle type game play
Players have the ability to redirect mobs around the arena to create some interesting situations for their opponents.
The map is available NOW on under the name Lane Runner. It is currently in Beta stage and I plan on adding much more. Give me your feedback!
1. Replaced rocks with gates.
2. Replaced barriers at entrance to base with gates.
3. C-4 now destroys barriers.
Game -
Col. Vlath:
Still not online at the EU-Servers, is it?
Some people have tried out my map and posted videos. This is an older version before The Hill.
Check it out here:
I've updated this map quite a bit since I've last posted here.
Planned -
Map Updated:
5 New Heroes Added
Executor Elarae Lorac the Lightmaster Bob the Mechanic Majesty Col. Vlath
Hard/ Easy Game Modes Support for 2 player teams (6 players total) Different victory methods.
Sorry this is only on US for the time being as I don't have an EU account. I'm planing on adding a bit more to the map including intros and making it 6 players instead of 3. Once I do that I'll be looking for someone to put it up on EU.
Can't find the map (on EU).
This is my speed run. Post yours at: