Still... What's the idea of this? Game starting in 30 seconds... then boss bar which says 2/2 Zombies... yeeaah zombies!!! but those was zerglings... they didn't even attack to me they only come next to me waiting for me to kill them... And yeah I won those and then 4 zombies... which were again zerglings same thing they come to me I kill them again and then 6 zerglings. same thing happens... And I quit...
Agreed xD
@Lolsnax, Thanks, I changed the description to avoid any more confusion =).
@BloodClud We decided to make the repository private until the game release/beta. No point in testing a non-functional game =)
...? there is no map file only changelog....?
Killing Floor was originally a UT2004 mod that was later made into a stand-alone game on the Unreal engine and published through Steam.
Oookey =) GL
I will work on a WASD implementation with numbers to activate abilities.
Okey =D That was the reason to download this =) Add WSAD first person? ;)
The game is still in the planning stages, and we are developing the concept. The final version will be similar to the HL2 mod called "Killing Floor"
Still... What's the idea of this? Game starting in 30 seconds... then boss bar which says 2/2 Zombies... yeeaah zombies!!! but those was zerglings... they didn't even attack to me they only come next to me waiting for me to kill them... And yeah I won those and then 4 zombies... which were again zerglings same thing they come to me I kill them again and then 6 zerglings. same thing happens... And I quit...
Hi Blood,
You must still be using one of the earliest revisions of the map. We've switched to SVN, and I believe r31 is the latest.
... What's the idea of this? Game begins... player 2 shoots me.... Game over...?
I Smell something good. Oh wait, my mom just made popcorn. Nvm. Joking :D Looking forward to it!
Hi BloodClud,
I'll remove the blank map I've uploaded. I was just getting used to the site's interface etc.
This map is a still a work in progress.
..... a blank map?