The Titans

Ragnaros, The Titan of Fire


Immolate (Passive) (Inherent)

All units around the Titan takes 25 damage per second

Smoke Screen (1 Level)

Costs: 100 energy (placeholder) Cloaks the Titan for 60 seconds, 120 second cooldown Issuing an attack order will de-cloak the titan

Flames of Healing (4 Levels)

Costs: 100 energy (placeholder) The Titan heals himself for x health, 30 second cooldown Level 1: 500 Level 2: 700 Level 3: 900 Level 4: 1100

Summon Phoenix

Summons a Phoenix with true sight to scout for the Titan

Fire Wave (Under Development)

Radiates a wave of fire from the Titan that extends for a range of x and deals y damage to all units in the wave Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4:

Summon Infernal (Ultimate at Level 12) (Under Development)

Summons an Infernal from the sky within a certain range


Titan of Water

Titan of Lighting

Titan of Darkness

Titan of the Dead


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