how to easy make a lots of linear upgrades
how to easy create like 200 upgrades with increasing dmg +5 on marine and upgrade cost +10 minerals? well its really easy actually!!
1. make a upgrade and set max upgrades to 200, go to buttons and make a button like ( increased + 5 dmg each upgrade)
2. go to ability and attach button and the upgrade to it!!
3. go to the upgrade and modify the effect (marine dmg) + 5 dmg
4. also add increase level +1 on weapon and go to ability and add +10 mineral cost to the upgrade u attached to the ability
5. DONE u have now 200 upgrades with a single button clicked and marine will get +5 dmg the upgrade will also increase cost by +10 minerals each upgrade.
much easier than anything else.. why use triggers when its that easy.. i also checked to build a new unit with the ability upgrades and it will still be on the same upgrade as the other building ;)
Hope this was usefull for those who wants to make easy upgrading fast and good ;)
well, not everyone knew about this, i found dousin of threads of people asking how to make multiple upgrades + removing the upgrade when it reached max upgrades. Few people use the ability, add a button, upgrade and requirements, when all you have to do is.. simply doing this.. it will save alot of time.. but im sure many people already knew about this.
thought everyone did this anyway
also if u want to remove the upgrade when it reached max levels!! click on picture in the corner it shows how a easy 1 trigger helps player remove the upgrade when it reached the certain point!!