Heaven and Hell HOTS Art Mod

Here goes a map with 44 models of heroes of the storms, I imported into starcraft 2. The models revolve around the theme of heaven and hell and some mythic monsters. Most of them are hero models, the angel and demon boss models of the heaven vs hell map, and the punisher merc models of the heaven vs hell map. For any modder that may find them useful.

All credits for the models go to Blizzard Entertainment. 

For those who don't know, the HOTS models require both the 3D model file (.m3) with the textures and the animation file (.m3a), in order to work, in the map I submitted I included both. If you want to export a specific model out to import in your map, you need to export both the model and the textures, as well as the animation file. Then, in your map after you imported all the files, in the unit model object you want to assign the imported model, you need to set the "Art:Model" field to the 3D model you imported and then set the "Animation: Animations (Required)" field to the corresponding m3a file that you imported. Many model skins of a particular hero model will use the same "requiredanims" m3a file. The only models that don't use animation files are the deathragdoll and death models. In the map I submitted you will find 44 custom units with the corresponding custom model, and each one has one of the HOTS 3D models with it's corresponding "requiredanims" file. I know most SC2 modders will already know this, but this is for any potential newbies.



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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 28, 2023
  • Last Released File
    Mar 28, 2023
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