Behemoth Carrier Ship and Waspalisk Air Superiority Fighter
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Not much is known about the new capital ship of the Leviathan Brood forces, not even within the swarm. After she learned about the rougue Broodmother Niadra, Zagara instructed Abathur to equip the Leviathan Brood Elite Forces with the very siege weapon that turned many battles in favour of the Protoss whenever the Swarm fought them: The carrier. He used the Swarm Host as a basis, integrated it into the endoskeleton of the Leviathan and modified the locust to not only fly much faster and deal more damage with their toxic spines, but also to have stable internal organs that give it the ability to last basically forever if not killed. However, this forces the Behemoth to use an external source of nutrients when breeding these creatures. The hardened, calcified exoskeleton of the Behemoth itsself has proven to be able to compensate for the lack of energy shields. The Waspalisk's exoskeleton was inspired by Stukov's tellings about the insects on Earth to strike fear into Terran soldiers.
-Unit Models for Behemoth and Waspalisk
-Unit Wireframes for Behemoth and Waspalisk
-Unit Icon for Behemoth and Waspalisk