Ghost Assault
My first SC2 map and my second map ever made. Just playing around with editing abilities and figuring out how to use triggers and came up with this.
You control a single commando at the start, but move on to eventually take control of two bases. Don't let your commando die or you lose. Also, you can call in marine reinforcements using the orbital command. There are no resources on the map as units will spawn for you.
Feel free to play around with the map/edit whatever you want. Also leave some feedback if you like/dislike the map or have any suggestions! Or if you find any bugs.
remove the zerg spam thing- I sent a unit in there by acident and even after they killed it they kept comming and I could not finish the map.
Yah, that's why you're not supposed to attack the zerg, cuz every unit that enters the area makes them spawn a defense force.
And yes, I have seen the Dreadwind Plateau map, the scenery work there is amazing. I have trouble finding all those cool doodads though >.> maybe I'm using the wrong tileset.
I don't know if it's a bug or not, but when you're told not to attack the zerg Hives and you send units near the entrance something bizarre happens. The game started spawning Zerg non-stop. Literally, non-stop. My FPS dropped from around 40 FPS to 1-2 FPS. There were so many Zerg on the map that they could no longer be spawned in their own base, and were spawning across the doodads and terrain into the Eastern base. Other than that, solid trigger work, interesting map, and good unit modification. Ever since I downloaded Dreadwind Plateau I've been using it as a guide to make scenery, check it out and I'll bet you'll get some great ideas from it. Great work!