FPS/TPS camera engine
This is an FPS camera system that is based around my WASD movement library. All you have to do is create a suitable camera in the map panel of the editor and select it instead of the placeholder variable 'Camera' in the map initialization trigger. It has 8 direction movement and can be set to move and rotate a unit with the camera by setting the view type global variable as 'Third Person' and turning on the unit rotation trigger. This can be done in game, an example being getting into a vehicle. What sets this FPS engine apart is the pathing system. This keeps you from walking through/over/into things like cliffs, units, and doodads without the use of a dummy object. It's entirely pre-made for you, which should save a lot of work.
[UPDATE] There's a new version with pathing perfected. V2.0 of the trigger library is available in the files page and once again there's a demo map to accompany it to demonstrate the library's features and show how to implement the library.
Just making sure I'm hearing this right. You're suppose to be able to walk into to point but not walk back? Correct me if I'm wrong but barring any actual changes to the layout or one way doors or jumping off cliffs, you should be able to trace any step you take back to where you start.
@ sintri
That's how the pathing works. There's a terrain function returning a boolean, and a unit/building function returning a boolean as well.
Walked the camera into a cliff and got stuck on the demo map. Also dislike using set camera bounds as that alway tends to me more choppy than tacking a camera onto a unit, though do have some issues with tacking the camera while having the gui shown. Though I suppose putting checks for unit and pathing is something at the very least.
Edit: You can also put the checks as functions and just have it return a boolean.