Experimental Material
Everyone on this site is no doubt looking for and/or coming up with all manner of new and interesting ideas for the Galaxy editor. While there are maps, forum threads, and assets out there for people to draw from, I thought it would be proper to put my own material out their in a manner from which others could more easily take from as a method of contributing to the site. With this map, other map makers can learn about, try out, and modify various ideas that I have come up with. With each idea I will add notes, lists, editor comments, and indexes to them, thus allowing people to see all that is needed in order to have it work in their own maps. I will not put other peoples work into the map without asking their permission. Obviously I will take no offense to anyone using anything I have come up with; though you can at least give me (and anyone else I have permission to draw from) credit for using the material. Given that this map will always be in some sort of experimental state, thus not always working properly, Any working concepts I have from other people is best obtained directly from them as opposed to copying from this map directly. Any material that is fully working on this map will be marked as such.
When, or if, I get a sufficient number of things working, I will release Mod versions of the lists so that they can be implemented more easily.
Current External Sources:
xhatix -> GenericHeroLearn