
1. You need to extract all the maps, and place all the maps in the following directory within your SC2 folder:

(SC2 installation folder)\Maps\Revolution\Episode I - Terran\

2. Download the Left2Die.mod file (included in the files page) and place it in the following directory within your SC2 folder:

(SC2 installation folder)\Mods\

This is because mission 2 uses some hero skins etc from the mod.

3. Run the Mission Select map.

You can do this by right-clicking the file, and selecting "Open With..." then choose StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe

Alternatively, you can open the Mission Select map with the SC2 Map Editor, then pressing "Test Document". Make sure you close the editor while you run the game, because these maps can be quire resource intensive.

4. Enjoy!


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