Earth 2150 Tribute

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Earth 2150 Tribute

This is my tribute to good old RTS Earth 2150. The game supports the full unit customization system for witch is the Earth series well known. For now only one race is playable: ED (Eurasion Dynasty) but i intend to keep on working on this project until its finished.

The Gameplay

Gameplay is divided in two sections.

  • Strategic map (risk like) where you have global world map with bases that you can upgrade, attack and conquer. Every player have a main base that must not lose or he loses the game. Every turn players can upgrade their bases and research new tech and can attack other bases only when its their turn.You have 3 diferent resources: minerals (used only in battle to build up your base and army), vespene (used to research new tech),terrazine (used to upgrade strategic bases into advanced bases: research base,mining base, military base,headquarters).Every advanced base have upkeep that deminish you terrazine income per turn so you need to use the resources the best you can to have strong economy.
  • Battle map when the player attack other players base the battle is initiated. There are 8 battle arenas to spawn on depending on the base that is attacked.The battle is a classic Earth 2150 skirmish game. The game itself is very complex and it has a normal learning curve for those patient enough to learn how to play it. The unit customization gives you the ability to use almost infinite diferent strategies.


The units have veterancy so you cant win the game by forcing into enemy base with worthless units so you need to win with you cunning and advanced technology. Every player have commander unit that gain experience in battle and gain new abilities. Commander is also used to call and recall your platoon (small force of veteran units). Every unit has the ability to be added into platoon. After battle is done the surviving platoon units are saved for the next battle.


Every weapon except for energy weapons (lase cannon) have ammo that need to be replanish with supplyer that can be built in the supply depot. The supplyers have their own AI so you cant control them yoursel. When unit is short on ammo, supplyer will move to it from supply depot with ammo and when empty return to supply depot. On the other hand aircrafts return to supply depot when they use up all their ammo.That means that you must look up for you logistics if you want to win the battle, not just mass.

Strategic Map View


Unit Customization


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  • Created
    May 28, 2012
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