Desolate Defense
You are the commander on a remote, mineral rich planet. The Zerg have just found the planet and have landed on it to acquire it's resources. You cannot allow this to happen. You must mine out the base while defending from Zerg attacks and collecting various artifacts that will grant you abilities that will help in your defense of the base.
Currently trying to get upgrades to work and add more zerg units. Trying to add a second artifact and hide the locations of the minerals/vespene on the map
Most of the stuff that I'm hoping will be in the game haven't been added yet.
I just tried to reinstall my SC2 because the Bnet thing said something about an invalid client version, and when I reinstalled, my map editor was gone :X Plus, I think I just screwed up all my SC2 stuff, as I think I lost the patches as well, so I can't do a thing. I'm such a failure.
Well, they're on the side of the map because there's an "artifact" there, that you can obtain to get a shields upgrade. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make the dialogue work, so that's a problem. I figured that since vespene was scarce in your main base, you could have gotten the expansion in the top right side of the map. Mostly I'm focusing on infantry atm, so that's why some units take supply and others don't. I'll be sure to alter either the MULE's gathering rate or the amount of resources in the base to make the base get mined out quicker. The trigger that upgrades Zerg weapons don't work, and I'm trying to fix that, as well as fixing the Terran upgrades to make them work. Thanks for the feedback, my playtests were more to test if the triggers and upgrades/data editor stuff worked, rather than the general fell of the map. I'll try to balance the costs of units as best as I can, and try to make the Zerg waves more noticeable.
First of all, there's WAY too many minerals in the main base. Eeven with unlimited mules mining, it took a ridiculous amoutn of time. On top of that, the zerg waves aren't even anything to worry about. Once all the bunkers are filled, you just sit there and wait.
Then there's the problem of the costs of units. WHY is it obscenely high? It took hours to completely mine out the base. THe gas costs are way too high due to the fact that you can't use mules on gas. If anything it should be high mineral cost but relatively low gas. the gas cost is so high that you can get like maybe one or two units of them. Plus, unit stats are way off. Banshee did 15? but hellions did 100.
Triggers are messed up with zerg units as well. After awhile they all just sit there on the side of the map lagging it up. They have no upgrades compared to the current stats of terran units. To clear the zerg base all I had to do was make a ton of nukes and then nuke the crap out of them gg done. Also doesn't make sense how some units take supply and others dont. Infantry was the only thing I could afford to make but sunkens killed them one hit each basically.
Oops. Dunno what happened. I just copied the file and renamed it from v.1 to v.11 Now it's saying that I can't upload the same file ... I'm not sure what's going on. Keeps on not letting me upload the file "because it's already uploaded" Guess I'll have to make some more edits before I can reupload it.
Ok, this version should work. I added some stuff to the map, and that seems to let me upload it now. I'm pretty sure that you don't have to open the editor and then test the game with "faster" as the speed preference, as in the startup triggers it sets the game speed to faster and all the waves are triggered in game time, not real time.
Same here, I loaded up an empty map.
Is it just me or is this map empty? When I open it in the editor, its just an empty new map.
yes it has A lot of lag, but part of that might be because of the fact that sometimes the lings atk eachother (5 dmg w alot of hp can make them stack ez)
spawn don't stop if you kill the hive