Crosspaths Rpg
Your Story
You have been walking for Days Running from your past sins, From your history but all of that is behind you now you have found yourself in Bavain City home of Refugees, Mercs and thosse runing from their past you are out of their reach now. Your Hear fighting ahead
Crosspaths Rpg
Hey this is Ph0z0n 0ne and this is my first map Crosspaths Rpg! I Plan to make this a huge multi choice Rpg for up to 5 players each able to choose their own path
Upcoming Features(Hopfully)
- -More Skills
- -More and Tier 2 and 3 Heros-A Storyine
- - Factions
- -Respawn System
- -Item System
- -Much More! Im also looking for some help on this so post in the comments if you are willing to lend a hand! Well thats all for now Ph0z0n 0nE 0ut!
Wanted to try the map but ran into 1 major problem, hero's have no healthregen, i also suggest adding a little bit of armor each levelup, and maybe a very small % atack speed.
dude chill its not anywhere near done plus im pronaly gonna drop this
A lot of open, empty space.