
Details on the depreciated Beta version

Known issues:
-When you upgrade a Zergling, there is a issue with the actors duplicating and bugging out. I have no idea why, and any help would be very much appreciated. (http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/map-development/2144-custom-morph-actor-issues/#p14)
-About 1 minute after birth, Zerglings become unselectable.
-The Starting areas for each person are not even across the board.
-This game has not been balanced in any way.

What you can expect to see in the next version:
-Data editing (almost) completed
-A custom UI for mass attacking.
-Hopefully, a fix for the Fast Zergling bug.

Currently Victory/Defeat triggers are disabled for singleplayer testing. I do need multiplayer testers, as I have no idea what will happen. If you do, use the patcher, and not the publisher (as it is my map).

Some information so you know what you're getting into:

This is a 2-8 player mass attack game. You get income (vespene gas) every 2 seconds. Your queen is your builder. If she dies you can resurrect her a max of 3 times (it is possible to have more than 1 queen, but not recommended). There will be a custom UI that will send your forces to 9 different places on the map (Each player's base, center).

-Drone: Requires no building; builds almost instantly.
-Zergling: Requires spawning pool; basic trooper.
-Baneling: Evolves from Zergling; explodes.
-Fast Zergling: Evolves from Zergling; faster movement speed, but less damage dealt.
-Roach: Requires Roach Warren; tier 2 unit; can attack air and ground.
-Hydralisk: Evolves from Roach; can only attack air, equivilent to a spore crawler (but less health)
-Mutalisk: Requires Spire; tier 3 unit; flying.
-Brood Lord: Evolves from Mutalisk; can only attack ground.
-Ultralisk: Requires Ultralisk Cavern; tier 3 unitl.
-Uberlisk: Evolves from Ultralisk; most powerful unit in the game; requires the sacrifice of a Queen

-Hatchery: Your base, if this dies you lose. Gives you 10 income
-Lair: Evolves from Hatchery, gives you +15 income
-Spawning Pool: Allows Zerglings
-Roach Warren: Allows Roaches
-Spire: Allows Mutalisks
-Ultralisk Cavern: Allows Ultralisks
-Evolution Chamber: Provides upgrades
-Hydralisk Den: Gives you +5 income, can upgrade for another +5
-Spine Crawler: Ground defender, can upgrade Attack, Health, Armor all individually
-Spore Crawler: Air defender, can upgrade Attack Health, Armor all individually
-Creep Tumor: Provides more creep.


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