Cortex Forge Extension Command List v1.1
| [VAR-TYPE DESCRIPTION] | indicates a user-input text |
| *[ ] | asterick indicates the input is optional |
| {VAL1||VAL2||...} | indicates optional command parameters |
| // | indicates a comment (not part of command) |
| " ... " | word in quotes means a constant parameter |
Prefix Guide:
| (none) | General command |
| ! | Admin command |
| # | Region command |
| @ | Unit command |
| _ | Doodad (actor) command |
| $ | Variable call |
Quick Variable Guide:
| int | integer |
| fixed | real number |
| string | text, usually for names |
| color | string name for player color |
| preset | constant string parameter |
New Commands:
- blacklist add [color PlayerColor]
- blacklist add -h [string PlayerHandle]
- blacklist remove [int ID]
- blacklist list
- camera [preset CamProperty] *[fixed val]
- camera reset
- camera create [string name]
- camera remove [string name]
- camera view [string name]
- camera list
- camera removeall
- delay [fixed time] basically "wait", 0s < time <= 300s
- vision [color Player] {on||off}
- repeat [int count] [string command_1; command_2; command_3; ...]
- ui {"game"||"cortex"} {on||off}
- toggleanon
- gamesetup save [string name] #[region_name]
- gamesetup load [string name]
- gamesetup list
- gamesetup remove [string name]
- gamesetup removeall
- sound [sound name] [volume (0 < vol < 100)] #[region name]
- sound stop
- replacemodel [model_source] [model_target]
- permissions [preset color] [string command] {"allow"||"ban"||"remove"} *{"global"}
- !setting [string setting] [value]
- !setting list
- !fruit {[int amount]||"remove"}
- !xml on||off
- !soundtrack [soundtrack name] ["ambience"|"music"]
- !soundtrack stop ["ambience"|"music"]
- !weather rain|snow|hail|fog|mist|sandstorm|sun [amount (default: 25)] [HDR] #[region]
- !weather off #[region]
- !mapbounds #[region]
- !mapbounds reset
- #reveal [string region] [color player] {on||off}
- #select circle || #select rect
- #cancel
- @statbars {on||off}
- @form {rect||circle||star}
- @form rect {-a||attack} [int row] [int col] [fixed spacing] [fixed angle]
- @form circle [fixed radius] [fixed angle]
- @form star [int points] [fixed dist] [int rows] [fixed spacing] [fixed angle]
- @squad {dynamic||static||fluid}
- @subtitle [string text]
- @cache {[int number]}
- @undo [int iterations]
- @copy {+visual};
- @attach+ {-m} [Actor/Model] [Point_#] [offX] [offY] [offZ] {{-r} [rotX] [rotY] [rotZ]} [SOp1] [SOp2] [SOp3]...
- @position [x] [y] [z]
- @tooltip [description]
- @tooltip sub [description]
- @actrmsg [actor message]
Doodad (Actor):
- _doodad [string model]
- _selectactors
- _removearea [fixed radius]
- _clearhalo [fixed radius]
- _tint [fixed R] [fixed G] [fixed B] [fixed Alpha] [fixed HDR]
- _scale [fixed X] [fixed Y] [fixed Z]
- _height [fixed Z]
- _face [fixed Angle]
- _modelswap [string model_name] [int variation]
- _destroy [fixed radius]
Modified Commands:
Added +val{%} support for certain unit props
e.g. @maxlife +10
Allows '0' for max-vitals (e.g. @maxshields 0)
- @maxlife {+}[fixed val]{%}
- @life {+}[fixed val]{%}
- @maxshields {+}[fixed val]{%}
- @shields {+}[fixed val]{%}
- @maxenergy {+}[fixed val]{%}
- @energy {+}[fixed val]{%}
- @speed {+}[fixed val]
- @face {+}[fixed angle]
- @copy {+visual}