Changeling Nightmare

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of StarCraft II. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

The Changeling Nightmare

Your combat team guarding a secretTerran compound discovered that a dangerous Changeling has disguised as one of your teammates. Using all available arsenal and team effort, you must survive from the Changeling assault...unless you're the Changeling, of course!

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Game Mechanics

Like its predecessor, this map consists of survivors who receives certain mineral every second. At 25 second mark, one of survivor will randomly become the Changeling, who receives twice as many minerals every second. The Changeling can kill or infest survivor, which will level up the Changeling and transform it into stronger beast. The survivors must cooperate together (by camping in same place, harass, etc) to either kill the Changeling or last for 30 minutes. But since Changeling will produce another Changeling by killing/infesting survivor, ALL players do not share vision at all times.

Start Image

Map Terrain

There are 13 camps with chokes for survivors to defend/survive. Most camps have special building that can be controlled by survivors near it, such as barricades (supply depots), sensor towers, XelNaga Towers and destructible that are hard to destroy but give immense kill bonus to the survivor that kills. it. A smart Changeling would send his minions (such as zergling) to scout certain attractive places to hide.

Map Image

Units and Upgrades

Both survivors and the Changeling can buy units with their minerals. Survivors can also upgrade their arsenals, which is a MUST for them to survive. Some important survivor units include: 1. Wall-E (weaponless marauder): serves as barrier between survivors and the Changeling, and unlike barricades can move around and be healed. 2. Raven: detector with traditional raven ability and EMP, which completely drains energy and gives 1000 shield damage.

Terran Shop

Some important Changeling units include: 1. Zergling: excellent scout and chaser. Especially useful against slow attacking units and unupgraded survivors. 2. Infestor: its Guardian Shield will protect against all ranged attacks. However it cannot shield against splash damages from hellion, thor and siege tanks. It can also use Consume, which kills a friendly unit in exchange for 50 energy. Survivors should EMP or kill this unit given a chance.

3. Hydralisk: high DPS unit, vital to keep Ravens away from the Infestor; it can also morph into powerful Lurker

4. Overseer: flying scout and detector; can also create creep highway

Zerg Shop


This map has been inspired by Funmaker's 좀비2 in Broodwar. Surprisingly that game's description sounds very similar to Undead (another Broodwar map). I do not know if the 2 maps are identical as I never played Undead before (they could be translations of same map though).

possible issues: balance has not yet been tested...


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 9, 2011
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