Cat N Mouse - Water World
Map Information
- This is a Large size map, playable 140 x 140. You need at least 2 people to play this map. If no cats are picked in the lobby, then it will pick a random cat at the start of the game. Also if there isn't a mouse, then a mouse will be picked randomly too. If only 1 person is playing, it will go into "Test Mode" where you are able to test the map. This map is balanced on a cat to mouse ratio, but is best played with a full game.
- This map be based on a world where it floods the lower areas of the map. You will get a warning before the flooding starts, and you will see the map getting dark and start raining. The flooding is a little random, so your never know when it will start.
- In this game you are able to have 3 cats. Each cat can level up, and gains skill points. Cats can then use the skill points on skills in the skill tree. Once a cat dies, he can not be resurrected and will stay dead for the rest of the game. If all the cats die then the mice win.
Cat Tips
- Tip 1: Exterminate the all mice (probes) as fast as you can. Each time you kill a mouse, all of his buildings are destroyed, and you gain a good amount of EXP.
- Tip 2: Kill buildings and other units to level up your cat. The more levels you gain, the stronger you become.
- Tip 3: Level up skills in the skills tree. Try to pick 1 side of the tree to gain the best results.
- Tip 4: Do not spawn camp. If a mouse is dead, you will lose life every sec you are in the area.
- Tip 5: Try to keep the mice down, Do not spawn camp, but kill anyone that might be trying to save his fellow mice.
- Tip 6: Keep an eye on every mouse. Try not to let any mouse get to strong. Spending too much time trying to get 1 mouse might give the other mice time to gather forces, and kill you.
- You are able to have a total of 9 playable mice in this game. Mice are able to build structures and other units to help kill or block the cat. Mice are also able to plant a tree at a location that a tree was destroyed. (Note: Trees are like mouse holes) If a mouse dies, all of his units are destroyed, but his teammates can save the mouse at the middle of the map.
Mouse Tips
- Tip 1: Keep your mouse away from the cat. Once your mouse has died, all your buildings and any men will be destroyed.
- Tip 2: Use the map to your advantage. Run where the cat can't go, like the mouse holes or make buildings that the cat can't go. (Example: Building 2 Brie Cheese (Pylon) next to each other lets your mouse run through them.)
- Tip 3: If your mouse dies, it's not the end of the world. Ask a teammate to save you at the middle of the map. Also if you where to save a team mate, you would gain extra minerals.
- Tip 4: Don't feed the cat. Try to build buildings that takes the cat a long time to destroy, or ones that give him very little EXP. The stronger the cat gets the harder it is to beat him.
- Tip 5: Be a team player. Play as a team, and try to gain enough units to kill the cat.
I love this map (I have even played against u Firefly), but it has a couple issues. Right now every cat combination (1, 2, and 3) is really overpowered as long as you have good players (yes, mice can win against noob cats, but when do really good mice ever beat really good cats?). The other issue is the bushes. Right now when moving up/down a ramp, you can see into a lot of the bushes areas. So just by running by, you often see things that are supposed to be hidden. I've actually been accused of maphacking because of this (and they even refuse to check the replay). Please add just a few more bushes/sight blockers so that those hidden bases stay hidden.
I've never seen an intentional feeder, because even if they did, no one would save them so I don't think that's an issue. I think being able to attack allied buildings would be a true issue because the trolls would destroy each others' bases, especially Nexuses.
I think the game is balanced quite well. My only complaint is the glitch that has been happening since yesterday. For some reason, right when the game starts mice win automatically. Please fix this. Thanks.
Needs a vote kick feature for mice to prevent people from intentionally feeding cats/blocking you. Also need to be able to attack allied buildings.