Headcanons of The Campaign

Amon survives in the second campaign and recruits Tosh and infests The Body of Tychus Findlay.


Charlie Vane (from Starcraft: Insurrection) becomes Matt Horner.


Jayborino (Based off JayborinoPlays On YouTube) is the descendant of Jack Frost and Black Morgan.


After Jayborino is kidnapped by Main Void Worshippers, Grant (based off GiantGrantGames on Twitch) lets Tal'darim Phase-Smiths turn him into a Signifier.


Jayborino, after being kidnapped, becomes a Frost Bat (by DaveTheSpectre On Mapster) Looking Devil Dog.


After Jayborino Is kidnapped, Synergy (creator of the Race Swap Campaigns) joins the Dominion Forces as a Diamondback.


Evilborino is a cousin to Jayborino.


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