Only hours after the Queen of Blades had been neutralised as an immediate threat the various Broodmothers of the Zerg Swarm were suddenly without a unifying force.
Some simply disappeared to fulfil their own agenda, others turned on their kin to determine who was the stronger.
As with all conflicts there were winners, and losers.
Az’Khar is the Brood Mother of a small Brood with a specific purpose, the cultivation and protection of a small number of eggs that house the developing embryos of the monstrous Leviathans, who serve the swarm as vast carriers. Allowing them to extend their reach across the sector
With the Queen of Blades gone Az’Khar stood little chance against rival Broodmothers who desired her charges as their own.
Reduced to but a handful of Zerg left under her control and with her overriding directive of protecting the Leviathan eggs now impossible to fulfil, Az’Khar is now left with only one option, to run.
But to do this means to somehow escape Char. Otherwise she will be caught between her sisters and their belief she is too weak to be allowed to live or the Terrans who will destroy all Zerg indiscriminately.
OH yeah and my drones ganked a bunch of vikings like a boss too :D
I captured the last organ piece with a mass overlord/drone exodus like a boss only to find out that I had to protect the leviathan with my last 3 queens and spine and spore crawlers :( . But I'm a boss so I beat the map on the first try.
The thing I like about your campaign maps is that you have to strategize and not mass up units to kill the enemies base because basically its impossible. All of my mutas were merced so to capture the last piece I had to send like 30 overlords filled with drones to capture the organ...
some criticism...
subtitles during the cinematics. I mean some people might not be able to grasp what they should do through the lengthy and random clips.... also there is a trigger error after you collect all of the organs. It was a good idea having the heal the leviathan objective. Good job. When I am done with my melee mob we can do a collab and you can use my swarm guardian and swarm host zerg units and some of the new game play mechanics I am adding in my mod :D
Hey what actors did you use for the kerrigan egg hatch... I can not figure out how to get the leviathan to hatch from it properly.
Thanks Tyneara, im glad you enjoied the missions!
You have valid points on the centre area of the second mission. I agree it needs less defences there i'll take some siege tanks and missile turrets away from it to make it less brutal. The main terran base on the other hand is really supposed to be ignored by the player, should the player decide to take it out i have no sympathy :p
The cinematics for that second mission do need work. I have some time this weekend and that along with setting up the music for the first mission is on my list of things to do :)
I've already got the next few missions planned in my head. Hopefully they will only improve as i get more confident with the trigger editor.
Redid the first mission... truly a terror now. All the bugs I reported I can report are quite safely squashed, good work. Given that it's the first mission in a campaign, I'd possibly consider lightening the attack waves up a bit, they're fine to start off with, but once you move down to the area near the Hives (even after destroying one) the zerg attacks seem almost limitless. This is possibly due to the campaign AI's natural tendency to rebuild its stuff. Otherwise still a good solid mission here, still fun the second time around.
Mission 2, brilliant concept, really teaches the use of the transfusion ability in the Queens. I encountered no bugs on my playthrough, just a few small things unrelated to bugs more balance in my opinion.
The middle area with all the bunkers, missiles turrets, and tanks is a real terror to take down. Given that you are trying to encourage the use of mutalisks, I'd consider dropping at least a few turrets, or maybe a few tanks. It felt a bit rough, even with my 150+ supply army knocking on the door (hydra, roaches, mutas) The terran base is a real terror as well, given all the tanks... all the turrets... but I'm guessing you didn't intend for me to wipe the floor with them... oh well, I like a challenge so feel free to leave it as it is.
The mutas really shined in helping to break down the wall of spline crawlers that you like to add at the front of your AI zerg bases, excellent work there. But continuing on, I flattened that base so there was nothing left on the map.
When the Leviathan started regenerating, the cutscenes you had there felt really really awkward (one because they didn't drop into cinematic mode, yet they forced my camera to stare at a stationary leviathan (really boring)) Either remove the locked camera, or add a bit of cinematic flare to it and I think it'll improve wonderfully, leading up to your absolutely wonderful end cutscene.
Finally, last but not least, your terrain... wonderfully well decorated and built. Fantastic work. Overall, you are off to a terrific start with this campaign and I eagerly await mission 3.
Finally. :) Good campaign. I've got a lot of fun with those two maps. Keep making another. Good luck.
You get out of triggers what you put into triggers. I'm no fan of scripting, but the reality is, take the time to make sure they're clean and optimized, and the whole experience of working on your map is going to be that much more enjoyable. Especially if you intend to go back and continue modifying it.
As for the cocoon issue. I recommend using an item that doesn't generate a mini map ping automatically, if there is no version of the item you want to use that already does not generate a ping, make one in the data editor. Since it's just a pick-up it shouldn't be too much of a headache. Then just manually create the pings using the zerg ping icon, and have them deleted whenever the corresponding item is picked up.
You could easily make it an item that must be harvested by a drone as well, if you want to avoid cheese strategies of picking up the item easily while not explicitly saying "you can't use changelings." (A handful of burrowed roaches could probably cheese pretty well too with an overlord drop, but it may be a strategy you don't mind people using.)
If you're not familiar with the data editor, and want to know where to start, just take a look at the Terrazine Canister, you can even duplicate it and then change the actor model to your cocoon. My one major tip that will help you get started with the data editor is, when you duplicate something, don't duplicate all the components, only things you want to change, and the primary actor, the actor must be duplicated.
Wow, thanks very much designerdougm, some fantastic feedback :>
This is why I wish I had some friends irl that played Starcraft 2 so I could use them as test subjects rather than inflict an unfinished map on the internet.
Things like changelings, I had never even considered using changelings... does let a player bypass pretty much everything which needs to be changed. I’ll probably just make it so Changlings can’t grab it for the moment.
The “Chrysalis Cocoon” model I used for the “matter” generates the map icon automatically but I have no idea why it disappears. I’ve seen it flicker on and off sometimes... I’m at a total loss to what causes that. Might have to fiddle around with removing whatever automatically generates it and put something else on the minimap to draw attention to them.
The wave triggers I’m going to alter a bit and make them more random. Essentially I’m going to create a function to pick one enemy (of total existing enemies in case the Zerg is dead) and then throw a randomly constructed wave at the player based on one of a few different templates. I want to keep the pressure on even if the Zerg enemy has been destroyed otherwise the last 5 minutes of the mission tend to be quite boring.
That’s brilliant advice about the skip trigger thank you so much. I’m definitely going to use that in future (and redo the triggers in my existing maps) I’m quite new to SC2 Triggers so I’m muddling my way through as I go. I tend to build them reactively rather than proactively which I think is where 95% of my problems lie. I keep meaning to make my triggers it all a bit tidier but as my passion lies with terrain design it means i have to force myself to do it :p
I’ve also only just started really fiddling around with effects and music. I already around halfway through refitting my first map with music/effects to make it a bit more interesting. The music is entirely your fault as after playing your map, which used music to in such great ways, I couldn’t help not doing it!
Hey Debe! I just had the chance to play both of your maps, I had a lot of fun with both of them. The overall concept for the campaign is pretty solid, and the maps themselves are fun, with clear, comprehensible objectives.
I'm working on my own campaign so I understand that these maps are still in development, as such I won't hold back and will try to provide as much critical feedback as possible in order to help you out! My feedback is all for Mission 02, I'll try to take some time to give you Feedback on Mission 01 later, but for now I'm sure Mission 02 feedback will be most useful as you've just now released it.
Presentation Feedback
You will have to change a few things to accommodate for this, but it's very easy, and will help you keep your cutscenes nice and neat. The action, Allow Trigger to be Skipped, to clarify, makes it so that any time after that action has been called, to the time that the trigger is over, the pressing the escape key will cause the trigger to skip all remaining actions.
Place this in your cutscene after any setup has occurred. (Ideally right as you're fading in.) Make sure you disable cinematic mode and restore the player's camera in another trigger however, as putting them at the end of the trigger you allow to be skipped, will result in the player being stuck in cinematic mode. If you're interested in best practices, I would recommend creating a queue trigger for every cutscene, when you want to start the cutscene fire that trigger, and that trigger should have an action queue that executes setup, the cinematic, and cleanup. Cleanup includes restoring the game view, etc. Put the skip action in the cinematic trigger, so that if the player skips it, cleanup still runs.
You can also check whether a cutscene was skipped or not by creating a boolean, and setting it to true at the end of your cinematic trigger. During cleanup you can check that trigger to find out if the player skipped, you can use this to change the rate at which the camera is restored, and to perform any actions you may need to perform, like moving/killing/spawning units that may have occurred during the cutscene that need to remain afterwards.
Gameplay Feedback
Trigger Feedback
I've finished the second map. I need to redo some of the Cinematic bits, and alter some of the text but otherwise should be fairly solid as a Beta version.
Feedback as always is most appriciated.
Thank you for everyone who has given feedback i really do appricate it.
Hopefully this is fairly close to being complete. I've had to learn alot quite quickly with Triggers its been quite a learning curve!
Im hoping that i've not made the map a bit too difficult now. I did have some trouble early on in my testing... the changes to the waves seemed to make them far more brutal than i had anticipated, it has been toned down but please tell me if its more frustrating than fun.
I wont even start to go into the kind of hell that is making two enemy bases work together so that if one dies the other picks up the wave attacks... blergh!
tell me if you run into any bugs and i shall squash them as soon as i can.
Nothing of the sort, but when a huge zerg blob invades your base... I consider that being nuked.
Cheers though mate, from the sounds of it, you've got an awesome campaign in the making. Keep striving... (and don't make it too hard... :P make it fun)
nuked? sounds like someone cheated and put some ghosts in the map
Thank you very much for the feedback Tyneara :)
The base you destroyed was probarbly the one that supplies the waves :p Guess i'll need to rethink how to hit the player with waves even if they go out of their way to destroy the bases... probarbly spawn some enemies nearby and send them that way.
And thank you very much for the list of bugs, i've hunted down all the ones you supplied and fixed them right away :) Once i've got the ending section waves sorted out i'll put up the new version.
Im glad you enjoied the story. I do agree it feels a little clunky having Zerg chat but having seen the HotS preview the Broodmothers can actually communicate so i figured Blizzard said it was ok to run with. I've got story set up for the next 3 maps at least and im working on the second at the moment.
First, thanks for a fun Zerg campaign map. (Zerg still being my favorite race and certainly in the minority)
Let talk about Terrain first... well... to be honest, I can be summed up easily, your terrain is phenomenal. It did feel a bit cramped in places, but provided that was the intention then it's perfect. It really complimented the feeling of being inside a Hive, surrounded by other nasty zergies.
Difficulty wise, I felt it was fairly solid. Certainly not a walk in the park, especially when it came to laying into the Zerg bases, which leads me to a question on that front.
I nuked the zerg base on the bottom left and almost immediately the attack waves stopped entirely. I proceeded to plunder the minerals and put a pretty big dent into the other zerg base, before realizing I probably didn't have the resources to go that route, so I secured the eggs and send my Brood Mother (aka Az'Khar) over to it. The timer started... saying I was going to be attack (had a big force ready...) but nothing ever happened. There wasn't even an attack wave from when I destroyed the zerg base in the bottom left. Also the scenario ended in defeat for me after the egg hatched... (minor considering its over one way or another, but probably indicating a bug of some sort)
Some other associated bugs I noticed (usually minor) When the other zerg was talking, the label for its name was off, it displaced something like it was search for a variable and failing. Also, your Brood Mother unit's basic attack abilities say things like Talon Claws Copy. Also, you've got tech tree glitches, such as the Roach's have the fast regen upgrade from the start, and upgrading it at the roach warren is redundant... but it does give them the cool glowing spines. Also, when you went to morph units... everything showed up, tempting me only to be disappointed when my drones couldn't morph the structures. I would consider removing the buttons for units that you can't and won't build on this mission.
But let's talk about story!
This was your best accomplishment in my book. From the moment the map started its clear that you had a purpose. While talking zerg are a bit silly... how else are you gonna get your story across, so good job there. The names fit, the setup fit. Best of all, the limitations on the base (only being able to get up to a lair and being stuck on the ground) fit perfectly with what you conveyed in your story. I'm interested to see more of this Brood Mother's story.
Sorry for the wall of text, but I wanted to give you some quality feedback. Oh and I didn't have to restart once... not sure which difficulty I was playing on though, my editor is set to default to hard though.
michaelknives, when you say sub titles do you mean text during the intro? That should already be in there. Does nothing text wise display?
Good job. :( I was kind of disappointed that I didn't get to whale on the other brood with the leviathan. I liked how you actually had to use some strategy to win.... not just oh no fight countless waves. I used the spine crawler wall burrowed roach blob tactic. The A.i. gets confused and targets my roaches as the spine crawlers poke away. When you surround roaches they can't use their acid attack so the roaches in the back of the blob ate away at them with their acid spit. You basically have to secure the main nest then move the queen with a transport because she can't burrow. As I scouted around with changlings I noticed there was really no way to defeat her and even if you tried to destroy her base by base it would eat up your resources significantly.
You need some sub titles to go along with the opening sequence but god job. I can't wait to play part 2.
Made a number of changes and fixes, hopfully the difficulty shouldnt be as brutal this time around and the intro should make more sense and give the player a better understanding of their objective.
Feedback as ever is much appriciated. Hope you enjoy.
I was thinking overlord drop onto the objective but you disabled ventral sacs. :(
I know, such a jerk arent i? :p
Thanks very much guys the feedback is very useful.
I will say the thing im least happy about is the starting intro. That needs work, i was hoping i was just being over critical of myself but i think the feedback suggests it definately needs a overhaul to make it shorter and to make the objectives more obvious. And a way to skip it which should have really been in there from the start.
The Queen noises are an excellent suggestion, they're definately going in.
And i might tone down the waves a touch as well as the defences at the expo to make it a little easier to handle the AI.
For how many times you'll have to restart this map there really should be a skip intro, but I like where you're going with this. Maybe tone down the AI a bit you run out of minerals just to defend.