SC1 Enslavers & Dark Vengeance Remake
This is a remake map of Enslavers and Dark Vengeance campaign from Starcraft 1.
- The map has been updated with the latest mod by Starcraft Mass Recall Team
how to play
1. Extract map and mod files. (Download the latest mod file from Here - SCMRmod)
2. Paste mod file to 'Mods' folder in Starcraft 2 directory.
3. Test document maps or just simply drag them on starcraft 2.exe icon.
Play order
1 -> 2 -> (You have destroyed the cerebrate) 3a
1 -> 2 -> (You have rescued Protoss) 2b -> 3b
Dark Vengeance
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> (You have recovered Khadarin crystal in mission 03) 4a -> 5a
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> (You have destroyed Command centers in mission 03) 4b -> 5b
I suggest that spawn locations of nydus worms and teleport locations should be away from the base but close to the base. Also remove unit spawn in easy mode.
That stopped error messages. Thanks for the tip!
@opupu: Go
There is a box in Map Options to hide trigger errors. We've never had a case in Mass Recall when error messages still appeared after that was checked.
Current version is working fine with SCMRmod version 5.1. But if you find any bugs or errors while playing maps, please post them here.
Nral/ Thank you for your feedbacks. You can remove those error messages by clicking check box next to the window which shows error texts. I'm trying to make error text messages not appear on the screen, but certain messages still pop up no matter what. I think it'll take some time to remove them completely. And as for game's difficulty, I appreciate your suggestions and they'll be reflected in the next version.
It is one of the best remakes I have seen. But there are some problems in game. First, game is hard for me. (I played in easy mode) Enemy teleporting a lot of units to my base and I don't know how to defense and attack same time. For me, in easy mode max healt of enemy units should decrease. The second one is some errors appeared when I started the game. Texts in red appears in top of the screen. That's all I have found. Still, this map is quite good one.
It is one of the best remakes I have seen. But there are some problems in game. First, game is hard for me. (I played in easy mode) Enemy teleporting a lot of units to my base and I don't know how to defense and attack same time. For me, in easy mode max healt of enemy units should decrease. The second one is some errors appeared when I started the game. Texts in red appears in top of the screen. That's all I have found. Still, this map is quite good one.
Hi opupu,
There was a new version of the SCMR mod file released yesterday - can you confirm if your maps still work with this? - as your last map release was on the 4th May - thanks!
That will be cool! I will change these maps to the latest version and it won't take too long.
Any chance you change the map to the last Mass Recall version? It's mostly replacing units like guardians, academies and spore colonies, and some functions put in the mod.
Thank you for your feed backs and I too think these maps were a bit too challenging. So I made many modifications to them and just uploaded the latest version. It is currently waiting for approval and should be much more playable now.
phew...easy seems doable!
Maybe a prologue at the start of the map...for those who might not have played SC1 in a while.
nydus are pretty rough...they even come at the end when all of the zerg structures are dead.
wow!! I'm no SC pro, but I can usually beat maps pretty easily on normal. I usually play hard or brutal, but normal for the 1st map for Dark Vengenace was pretty much impossible.
The rebuild count for the units is insane. I had fully upgraded archons and carriers and was laying down cannons to prevent the zerg from rebuilding crawlers and luck. I barely got out of my base and up into the north of the map.
Do the uinits just instant rebuild? It was crazy how fast they would rebuild!!
Maybe normal was set to brutal in the triggers??
Also...the nydus worms are pretty annoying to deal with. Maybe space them out more when you are moving out to attack the zerg. Several times I would make some headway only to have to go back and clear the Zerg out of my base.
Zealot Leg Upgrade?
Hey, just trying these out, starting with the first Enslavers mission. Now, I don't claim to be the best Starcraft player, but even on easy, holy crap. I can't make a dent in the purple base right to the north. I march in with a massive ground army, but they pump out units faster than I can kill them, and I eventually get pushed out. By the time I'm able to return, their entire base is built back up completely; it's as if I was never there to begin with.
That, and Dark Swarm. I noticed several cases where their units, such as Hydralisks, would be nowhere near the Dark Swarm, and yet they would remain under it's protection, leaving me helpless against them. My biggest complaint with it is that it makes them completely immune to all ranged damage, which is actually vastly more powerful than it was in Brood War; at least in Brood War, splash damage from Tanks could still do something. Because it didn't render units immune to ranged damage, it simply gave units under it a 100% "miss" rate against enemy fire. Ranged attacks would "miss", and instead show the visual of the impact just few millimeters away from the unit itself, and the attack wouldn't connect. Any ranged attack that did splash damage however, such as the Siege Tank, was still able to deal that splash... it just didn't deal the primary damage to the primary target. This mechanical buff to Dark Swarm, combined with how frequently and how well the AI uses it, the sheer number of Defilers around, and the sheer volume of defending units that get thrown at you renders the base virtually impregnable; and this is only the closest base to your starting location!
I was only gloating telenil, i am looking forward for your updated mod, i mean i had the proves of your and Jones skills much times
Looking forward to playing through this campaign!! It should go on the Custom Campaign Initiative Homepage.
Thank you for feedbacks. I also think dark vengeance maps might be a little bit too challenging on hard and brutal difficulties. So I'm currently trying many ways to make those difficulties more playable and less challenging on the next version.
You know, "your" mod won't be the only one on HotS by end of the month... It is also a little bold to claim it's the best when people might disagree.
@opupu: Go
Just did the first map so far, played on Hard, it is well scripted with good terraining but the difficulty is way over the top. I tried a ground assault at 150 supply on the orange base, my best result was 1 hatchery destroyed.
I had better luck with carriers, but when I attacked brown with 15 carriers while having 5 reavers, 2 carriers and 10 zealots to defend from nydus, I lost on both fronts (despite the fact that orange was dead). The nydus worms are a nice touch, but they need some sort of nerf in the late game. Maybe increase the delay between each wave, or put a nydus network somewhere that can be destroyed to stop the worms, or have them stick to zerglings/hydralisks. You get the idea.
Removing hatcheries from the Zerg bases could also work, as it would make the bases easier to attack, but if there are the same number as in the original, nerfing the worms is probably cleaner.
Ok thanks, my suggestion is to use our SCRTGW mod, is the only sc1 campaign remake mod updated to hots and is the most updated mod at all, even the best right now... Few issues with your maps (i only checked it very fast and only the first version, i didn't play the missions for short time...):
Okay, feel free to use my map. Just notice me if there is anything I shoud know.
Is ok if our team StarCraft Reawakening the Great War will use your maps of enslavers dv ? We will give you credits