Brood mother
Follow Az'Khar, a Zerg Brood mother, as she attempts to flee Char and rebuild her Brood.
Brood mother 01 - Egg Thief is currently in beta. No storyline yet but the egg collection/AI attack waves are setup. Please give it a go and tell me what you think! Is it fun? Is it confusing? Did you find any bugs? Anything really.
Feedback and constructive criticism is gratefully received.
Mar 01 21:20 - new version
Added defences & units for player base.
Removed defences and units from hatcheries
Hatchery mobs rebuild
Added pings and events for AI egg collection
Lots of bug fixes for triggers involving egg collection
Changed Leviathan embryos to use Lurker Cocoon model
I'm umming and ahhing about when and how to identify the enemy going for an egg with a drone. If I should wait until the drone is harvesting an egg or when it's sent. I need to make sure it drops it off at the main base rather than one of the expansions but I'm not sure that a warning when the drone begins harvesting is enough time to intercept.
The lurker cocoon is a good idea, I was already thinking of changing the graphic and the lurker cocoon is a good shout!
Ok this version is now challenging,my suggestion is to put a beacon or a skull on the drones that are going to steal "your" eggs,so is more easy to see where they are,it's nice to see that enemy drones have the same chances to die of my drones :),Now with roaches and lings on "early game" is really hard break the enemy defence,you must use some micro if u don't want to lose all your army,the burrow micro is really funny,especially vs ultralisks,i can burrow the roaches that are near to die :D,i think that the additions of a miniboss would be the last things that you should do,also if this will increase the difficulty too.
Good to see that my suggestions was usefull,the idea of the time limitation is exactly what you need to increase difficulty,with not much time you will not be able to do twenty queens as i did,also brood mothers in "belly of the beast" style are interesting,i think that hots release will help you a lot with models,sounds and the other new cool stuffs that i still have to see
Thanks Defilerrulez! This is basically a remake of my Brood campaign just with a huge amount more planning involved!
This map is supposed to be the first so I don't want to make it too hard, that said I'm currently working on having the AI also collect the leviathan eggs. Which will give the player less time to prepare. They will need to be out and securing leviathan eggs from about the 4 minute mark.
I could add some difficulty levels in, need to make some sort of ui to allow the player to select it though. Mutalisks is probarbly a bit much considering the player would be limited to queens but the odd baneling couldn't hurt... Well I mean it would hurt but would push the player more to a balanced force.
The boss idea is interesting. Could have the enemy brood mother pop up to stop you and burrow away when low on health. That could be useful story wise as well. Thanks for the thoughts! :)
ok for the eggs so i will not have to kill it to get my units free.
Creep tumours are visable by default if you use campaign settings (so you don't need to go hunting them with detectors I guess) I doubt that will change with HotS as otherwise you can build creep everywhere and then the map has to use AI observers to hunt them down... If the HotS campaign does use burrowed creep tumours the ill change it.
Fair point about burrow, I'll add that as an upgrade and I'll stick some pathing around those eggs and make them invulnerable.
Thank you for the feedback :)
Ok mission is funny,but the creep tumors are visble,so i have all the times to "respawn" it whit queen,i don't know if is one problem of the campaign mod or is on your intentions do it.